Please don't waste your time.
I just want to warn you about these "home
assembly" opportunities.
They are dangerous because they are SO darn
seductive. They make you think that you can
just turn your "idle" time in dollars by
doing some "easy" assembly in a few minutes.
They tell you that the average person can
assemble 10 in an hour and that they pay
you $4 for each one!
Whoa! That's $40 an hour!
Wow! That's 80 grand a year!
Woo-hoo! Where do I sign up?!
Here's how they work:
You PAAAAAY to have someone send you the
parts for some kind of hand-built thingy--
like cookie cutters, or beaded jewelry, or
something like that.
You PAY for the parts, assemble them and
then "sell" them back to the company.
You get the difference between what you
paid for the parts and what you sell them
back to the company for.
But that NEVER happens. Want to know the
First, there is almost always something
wrong with the parts that you are given.
They aren't punched out correctly or one
part is missing, or something like that.
So it takes you FOREVER to fix that little
problem on each one and finally get the
thing put together.
Second, after you fight through all the
problems and finally get the shipment
back to the company, you don't hear from
Then if you're lucky enough to find a
working phone number for them,they tell
you that the assembly was "inferior" and
they had to reject your items.
YOU don't get paid!
Then you ask for your security deposit
back and you're told that it was
Look, this really is a scam. Right to the
Think about it. This idea might have
worked in the US 100 years ago. It might
have made a lot of sense then.
But now, high speed factories put these
things together, and if it really is
something that has to be hand-built.
There are literally millions of people
in China, Thailand and the Philippines
lining up to do this kind of work for
50 cents an hour!
Although there may be some legitimate work
at home assembly programs, they are very
scarce. After viewing most of these type
programs, I can not recommend any to you.
I hope I got this information to you
in time. Please don't fall for this
There are too many GREAT opportunities
for people like YOU who have a computer
and a connection to the Internet.
You can find them here:
The Work At Home Directory Online
Don't ever give up on your dream,
Make the rest of your day great!
Your partner in success,
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Work At Home Directory Online
P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
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P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
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