Never buy another lottery ticket.
You could have made your fortune by now if you
had just put a little money in one of these
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
Don't be a fool. You know the odds against
winning the lottery. Every time you buy a
ticket, you're just blowing another hard earned
dollar. You might as well put that dollar in
your shredder.
I'm serious. Stop it.
At the Florida State Fair recently, I walked past
the Florida Lottery Game Show Stage. I thought it
might be fun. Then I noticed the audience.
I couldn't get myself out of that place fast
Can you say Jerry Springer?!
The place was full of broken down, hapless
people. People on their last legs mentally
and emotionally. They sat there expectantly,
gazing toward the stage, slack-jawed, hoping
that somehow this stupid little fake game
show would bring them money, or a way to win
the lottery.
Honestly, it looked like a zombie convention.
Please be sure that you understand me now. I
am not judging these people. I realize that
but for the grace of God, that's me.
These people have great hope, but it is
tragically misplaced.
When I call them zombies, it's because I mean
it. It's like a virus or an alien has taken
over their bodies. They live for Wednesday
night every week. Collectively, they pump
literally billions into the Florida lottery
system for their weekly desperate shot at an
escape from their self-imposed misery.
And it IS self-imposed. Don't kid yourself.
If they had just a little initiative, and
the right place to focus it, they could
climb out of that miserable "wait for
Wednesday" life really quickly.
Don't be like that. Don't ever buy another
lottery ticket. Try one of these programs
The Work At Home Directory Online
Give any one of them a try. Your odds of
winning are a THOUSAND times better than the
Make the rest of your day great!
Your partner in success,
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Work At Home Directory Online
P.S. Stop living for the Wednesday night
lottery drawing. You're not going to win it.
Take control of your own dreams. Do some-
thing that's going to make a real difference
in your INCOME. Try one of these:
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
P.P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
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