The Answer Is Yes!
People often ask me whether online data
entry programs are scams or not, and do
people actually make money from them.
Well the answer is yes, some of them
are scams. To answer the other part of
the question, yes people are making
money with data entry programs.
But I must tell you this, you will not be
doing traditional type at home work in
your spare time and getting paid for it.
Want to know what they're really selling?
It's actually the same as the pay-per-click
or affiliate marketing sites.
I have been getting some positive feedback
from this data entry program:
Data Entry Work at Home Cash
What you do is write ads that will be
attractive and will send prospective
customers to other websites. If those
customers buy, you get a com-mission.
It's NOT just typing. You have to open up
an account with one of the online
advertisers (usually Google,MSN, or Yahoo).
Then you enter the ads and they go out on
the Internet.
Here's what you're not told: every time
someone clicks on your ad, you pay!
You pay around a $.20 to $.50 per click.
And if you want better exposure, you may
pay more than that.
If your ad is sparkling and the site you
send someone to is really a great value,
then you can make some decent money.
The truth is that this kind of program
actually works.
The main problem I have with data entry
programs is that they are not upfront
with the person purchasing the program.
I say this as it relates to their sales
page. They usually give the impression
that you will be doing typing for
different companies.
They do this because the idea of doing
data entry from home is very appealing to
a lot of people. As a result their
programs are sold quickly. But this can
be considered deceptive advertising.
Data entry programs is basically
affiliate marketing training, they just
changed the title to "data entry" to
increase sales.
It's an affiliate marketing business,
don't think for a minute that it's a
typing business, but you can make quick
money doing "data entry programs".
It is NOT my intent to "sell" you
anything in this blog post. I just wanted
to answer that question for you.
I get so many people asking about
data entry programs. Hope this post
Make the rest of your day great!
Your partner in success,
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Work At Home Directory Online
P.S. If you know how to use a computer and
type at least 30 words per minute, you
can turn your typing skills into a
lucrative business. We'll show you how
to make $30 to $50 an hour with your
computer. Click here to get started
P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity
if it's not listed here:
Top Rated Data Entry Programs
Hey Philip, how do I know that this isn't one of those junks.I've tried things like this severally,without anything coming out of it. Is there any guarantee or trial period? If there is ,then I would sign up!
Hey Charles,
ReplyDeleteAll of the programs on my website come with 30 - 60 day money back guarantee. That is one of the requirement for a program to be listed on my website. Thank you for your Interest.