I just want to encourage you for a minute.
Don't give up.
Most people do give up. They turn away from their
dream and go back to a job they hate.
I've tried hard to figure out why this happens. People
give me a TON of reasons that they are not able to
make a go of their own business.
What I've found though is that all of these reasons
really boil down to one thing.
I don't want to get all "woo-woo" and psychological
on you. But just for a minute, I have to ask you--do
you really think you CAN make a home<>business
Most of us were raised to be workers. And I'm not
down on that. We need the salespeople and the
engineers and the mechanics. But hey, YOU found
me. Remember? That means something.
You went looking for a way out of the workaday
world and you found me--the guy trying to keep
you from getting scammed.
That is your first clue that you were not meant
for the office, or the garage or driving that route,
or whatever you currently do.
You know that there is a way out. There are
people out there living that dream right now.
They are no smarter than you. The question
is, do you realize that yet? I mean REALLY?
It's not their brains, or their looks, or their
age or their circumstances or anything like
that that caused them to succeed.
Guess what, the reason they succeeded is
because they didn't listen to all the people
around them that told them they couldn't.
They believed that they could. Then they
learned what they needed to know and put
it into action.
I'll be very honest with you. They ran into
roadblocks along the way. Things they didn't
know how to do exactly. Struggles they didn't
And here's what they did about them: they
shut down for the evening, went to bed, and
thought about it. The next day they came back
with a fresh idea and a new solution.
This just happened to me. It happens to me
all the time. I hate the roadblocks and the
setbacks, but almost every single time, I
come back with a much better solution--
one I never would have dreamed up if the
roadblock hadn't happened.
But listen, I really struggled with this idea.
I was raised to be a worker. I was told that
the best thing in the world was to work for
a company your whole life and they would
take care of you.
But thankfully, I took the plunge and fired
myself. Burned the bridges. I can't go back if
I had to. I am completely unemployable now.
And I love it.
And I continue to face challenges. Just like
the one in front of you now. But I BELIEVE
that I can work through them, and come out
on the other side.
And I always do.
Listen, you don't want to hear about my
lifestyle. It's all that stuff you've heard
about before. The nice vacations, the cushy
work hours, being home with my family all the
time. All that.
It's an amazing life, but I just wanted to
tell you that I'm no different from you.
You really can do this. Just believe that
you can work through it, and put some
effort into it.
I didn't and that has made all the difference.
Make the rest of your day great!
Your partner in success,
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