How are you? I trust that you and your love ones
are doing well and in good health.
If you missed my previous post, you can see it here:
Millionaire Secrets Revealed!
In this blog post I want to share with you three more
secrets of Millionaires. I do believe that this
information will help you greatly in your home
based business and in your personal life. Here
they are:
* 5 * You Must be Prepared to Pay the Price
Self-made millionaires achieved this status
because they were willing to pay the price. There
is a price to pay for getting rich, just as there
is a price to pay for everything you attain in
your life. Many chatter about being willing to
pay the price, but few will actually do so. If
you are serious about becoming a wealthy man or
woman, you need to be prepared to pay the
considerable price tag associated with that
blissful state. It doesn't come free.
To make a lot of money, you’re going to have to
give up many things. Often you won’t even know
what the price is when you start out.
Nevertheless, you must resolve to pay it. This
is the factor which stops most people from
getting rich. They want it for nothing and are
not willing to sacrifice anything at all to get
it. This is a fantasy. All Dreams Have Their
* 6 * You Must Take Firm Decisive Action
Serious people actually do something; non-serious
people talk about doing something or plan to do
something one day. If you want to be wealthy, you
must take action. Action really is the key. You
can have the best ideas in the world or be the
most talented person on the planet, yet still if
you do not take action you will remain poor.
"A half-wit who actually does something will beat
an inactive genius, hands down." You need to take
action, but most people cannot master this one -
it is far too hard for them. The two main reasons
for non-action are laziness and fear. The fear is
usually fear of success or fear of change. We are
all lazy, we all fear change. Winners are able to
push through these negatives. Losers succumb to
* 7 * You Must Know When to Stop
The wise person decides how much is ‘enough’
before setting foot on the path to riches. Now we
arrive at the deepest secret of happiness
associated with wealth. Also, this is the most
difficult initiation test of all seven. Yes,
knowing when to stop is actually more difficult
than making it in the first place!
Remember one thing. The aim in life is to be
happy. Money is one way (yes, a big way) in which
you can achieve happiness, but don't lose sight
of the fact that it is happiness you are after as
a final goal, not money. If you ever make any real
money you will be so caught up in your astonishing
success that you will find it very hard to quit.
You will be tempted to work harder and faster to
get more whilst the going is good. Then, if you
hit a lean time, you will work harder and faster
to try and get back what you have lost. In short,
you will always be working harder and faster.
Knowing when enough is enough is the most
difficult challenge you will ever face. Are you
going to work at making money until you drop? If
so, why? What is it all for? Only a fool would
do this. So, if you are not going to work until
you drop, when are you going to stop, or cut
back? I don’t mean stop living and fail to
develop, I mean stop accumulating cash. Answer:
When you have ‘enough’ - so you need to know
what ‘enough’ is for you, bearing in mind the
price. Also, you need to think about what else
you want to do with your life, if anything.
And this is a problem for many people.
We are all so conditioned to work until we drop
that we have given little thought to what else
we want to do with our lives. Perhaps now is
the time for you to think a little about this?
The best way to get wealthy is to start a
business, but you should not start or run a
business unless you have a clear answer to
the questions: “When do I get out? When will
I have enough?”
Running a business is all about making maximum
money in minimum time, then selling out or
closing down and getting yourself a real life!
If your business is also your passion, then you
might never actually close it down, but it
becomes more of a hobby than a driving force
which dictates your life.
There you have it! The seven secrets of
becoming wealthy. Now its up to you to put
them into practice.
Make the rest of your day great.
Your partner in success,
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