How are you? I trust that you and your love ones
are doing well and in good health.
In this email I want to share with you the first
four of seven secrets of Millionaires. I do
believe that this information will help you
greatly in your home based business and in your
personal life. Here they are:
* 1 * Believe That You Deserve to be Wealthy
You are lost if you do not believe that having
money is a good thing. You need the self-confidence
and focus to follow your dream and this will be
fatally undercut if you have the wrong philosophy
of life and money. No amount of effort on your part
will overcome a faulty philosophy. If, deep down,
you believe that wealth is a sin or that money is
dirty, or wicked then the first step is for you to
correct this error or give up all hopes of wealth
for you and your family.
* 2 * It All Starts With a Dream
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to
make your dreams come true? It all starts with a
dream... Let me tell you up front that if you do
not have a dream, you will not become wealthy other
than by winning a game of chance. It's just too
hard. To make this kind of money you need to be
laser-beam focused, and you can't be that if you
only have a halfhearted interest in what you are
Dreaming is a type of visualization. It is
visualization plus passion. These are the things
that you really want to be, to have or to do. If
you do not achieve these things over (say) the
next ten years, you are going to be seriously
disillusioned and upset. You should be able to
write a list of six such things. Can you really
visualise yourself being wealthy?
* 3 * You Must Have a Plan
To make serious money, you must know what you want
and have a plan for achieving it. There is a
well-known yet powerful method of achieving
everything you want in life. It only takes five
minutes. Anyone can do it but hardly anyone does.
Imagine - something you can do in just five minutes
which can send your income through the roof, improve
your relationships and power-boost your life towards
total success. Wouldn't you want to do that right
away? I'm talking about the time-honored technique
of goal-setting.
It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that
people who set written goals lead richer, happier,
more fulfilling lives than people who merely drift
through life, rudderless. Now if you're yawning and
thinking “seen it, done it” I challenge you to go
right this moment and fetch your own list of goals.
If you are able to do this, it marks you out as
very special. If you cannot go and get your goal
list, right this second, may I suggest you stifle
that yawn and take a few minutes to do set some
short and long term goals.
* 4 * You Need Discipline
Successful people know that they must sacrifice
something today in order to achieve a lot more
tomorrow. Here's an important key to wealth: Life
doesn't respond to needs, wishes or desires. It
laughs straight back in your face. Only your
disciplined effort right now will plant the seeds
of future crop which will meet your needs.
To complain that your needs should be filled right
now is effectively to say: "I have needs. Someone
else should work and slave so that my needs might
be provided for." Who cares about your needs?
Nobody. Furthermore the seed alone is not enough,
is it? You must also plant, tend, water and hoe
it. These activities can be summed-up by the
phrase 'disciplined effort.' Effort means the
sweat of your brow; discipline means meticulously
and regularly applied. A little each day. Gradually.
This is how the rewards build up over the years.
Not in a rush.
You don't hoe, weed and water all in one day and
expect a bumper crop the next. No, it doesn't work
like this. You hoe a little one day, weed the next,
water when it's dry, then go right back to hoeing.
Sounds like hard work? Welcome to the real world!
Nothing Comes From Nothing. Successful people are
disciplined. They choose some pleasure now, but
will then choose hard work and effort over further
immediate pleasure - this sows the seeds in order
that they can reap a richer future harvest. They
become successful and wealthy people.
In the next email I will give you the other three
important secrets of millionaires. Be sure to look
for it.
Make the rest of your day great.
Your partner in success,
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