Did you know that about 90-95%
of work at home opportunities
are scams? Most of the work at
home programs online will not
assist you in making any money
from home. That is sad but it is
the unfortunate truth. Millions
of people loose money every
year buying these worthless
work at home scams.
When I first started my quest to earn extra money online,
I also lost lots of money on different work at home
programs that turned out to be outright scams. I did
eventually come across a few legitimate opportunities
which I did make money from.
Here are some of the things to look for when trying
to find a legitimate work at home opportunity:
Proper Contact Details listed on the website - If the
opportunity is legitimate it should have proper contact
details for customers. Before you buy or sign up for the
opportunity, simply send any question about the product to
see how long they take to respond if they do. Some scam
websites have false contact details and after you buy their
product you can not get in contact with them. As a result
it is paramount that you first verify the contact details
before you join any work at home program.
The next thing to look for is does the website offer a
money back guarantee - a legitimate work at home opportunity
will offer at least a 30 day money back guarantee. This
is not much time to actually get great results from a
work at home program, however it gives you an idea of
what the opportunity involves and if it is a program
that you are interested in doing from home. If you
decide not to continue with the opportunity simply request
your money back. If you do have a problem getting your
money back you can lodge a complaint with your local Better
Business Bureau or visit their website at http://www.bbb.org
You can also lodge a complain with the Federal Trade
Commission http://www.ftc.org.
This brings us to the next thing to look for and that is
the credibility and history of the program - most
legitimate work at home websites will have certification
seals from companies like TrustGuard, HonestEOline, etc.
This shows that the website is registered. However do not
go wholly on the presence of these seals because some of
them come with a registration fee, so once the website owner
can pay the fee he/she can have the seal. Another thing is
that some scam opportunity websites display these seals
without authorization. To determine if the seal is genuine,
you will need to click on it and it should take you to
the certification website with proper authorization.
However you can simply do a search of the opportunity on
the Better Business Bureau website for any complaints
made against the company.
Another thing to look for in order to find a legitimate
work at home opportunity is the quality design of the
website. Even if you do not know much about website
design, you can when a website looks professional or not.
If a website has terrible ad copy with typographical
errors, links that do not work etc., leave right away because
it is more than likely a worthless scam website.
Finally when looking for a legitimate work at home
opportunity do not be too gullible. If it seems too good
to be true, more than likely it is! Do not believe all
the personal stories, photos of checks, photos of luxury
houses and cars which they claim to own. Photos are easy
to be edited and stories and testimonials can be fabricated.
Simply use due diligence and analyze the opportunity.
Oh another thing, lots of website will state that the
offer will expire in a few hours or a few days. Usually
this is not the case and is simply a tactic used to
cause you to make the purchase right away. You Do Not
Have To! Review the opportunity properly to make an
informed decision.
As revealed, you can find a legitimate work at home
opportunity once you know how. Again please make
sure the opportunity has proper contact details, it
offers at least a 30 day money back guarantee, the
opportunity is credible with a good proven track record -
you can find out by checking the opportunity at
http://www.bbb.org Also make sure the website is
professionally designed. Do Not Be Too Gullible. If it
seems too good to be true it is. Even though 95% of
millions of work at home programs are scams, when
you know what to look for you can find the needle in
the haystack.
I'll talk to you soon...
To Your Success!
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Complete Work At Home Directory
P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!
P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Chris Farrell Membership.
Thanks for the great content. I'm always searching the net for content that will give me some new ideas for my own blogs and legitimate home businesses. Great blog and thanks for the great article.