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Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Worldwide Home Based Business

Does One Of The Following Apply To You?

1. You would like to work at home, but don't know where to start.
2. You have been scammed before?
3. You need help to succeed?
4. Are you afraid to try?
5. Have you tried before and failed?

Well if any of these apply to you then I am going to show you a
business that I have been a part of over 4+ years and receive
an income from every month.

All you need is a computer and access to the Internet to do what
is required.

Give yourself a chance and get some more info, it's FREE and
you will get access to my personal training web pages "SFI
Restricted Access" that I have used earn thousands of dollars
and have more than 12,000 affiliates in around the world. If you
are not a part of this online opportunity, why not get the info
now. It might be just what you have been looking for:

Take Action Now By Clicking The Link Below:

Best Home Business In The World

Not only will you get access to the same tools I have used to
create a huge downline, but once you have joined and get access
to my restricted information I will show you one of my checks
that will blow your mind.

Ever hear the saying the the proof is in the pudding?

Well I'm showing you my actual check. It does not get much
better than that.

If you are willing to try, both myself and my team of
professionals will help you. I have a very easy and simple to
follow system than I share with only my team.

Click Here To Join The Best Home Business In The World

Owner - Top 10 Work At Home Opportunities

P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity
if it's not listed here:
Top 5 Data Entry Programs

Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Find A Legitimate Work At Home Opportunity

Did you know that about 90-95%
of work at home opportunities
are scams? Most of the work at
home programs online will not
assist you in making any money
from home. That is sad but it is
the unfortunate truth. Millions
of people loose money every
year buying these worthless
work at home scams.

When I first started my quest to earn extra money online,
I also lost lots of money on different work at home
programs that turned out to be outright scams. I did
eventually come across a few legitimate opportunities
which I did make money from.

Here are some of the things to look for when trying
to find a legitimate work at home opportunity:

Proper Contact Details listed on the website - If the
opportunity is legitimate it should have proper contact
details for customers. Before you buy or sign up for the
opportunity, simply send any question about the product to
see how long they take to respond if they do. Some scam
websites have false contact details and after you buy their
product you can not get in contact with them. As a result
it is paramount that you first verify the contact details
before you join any work at home program.

The next thing to look for is does the website offer a
money back guarantee - a legitimate work at home opportunity
will offer at least a 30 day money back guarantee. This
is not much time to actually get great results from a
work at home program, however it gives you an idea of
what the opportunity involves and if it is a program
that you are interested in doing from home. If you
decide not to continue with the opportunity simply request
your money back. If you do have a problem getting your
money back you can lodge a complaint with your local Better
Business Bureau or visit their website at
You can also lodge a complain with the Federal Trade

This brings us to the next thing to look for and that is
the credibility and history of the program - most
legitimate work at home websites will have certification
seals from companies like TrustGuard, HonestEOline, etc.
This shows that the website is registered. However do not
go wholly on the presence of these seals because some of
them come with a registration fee, so once the website owner
can pay the fee he/she can have the seal. Another thing is
that some scam opportunity websites display these seals
without authorization. To determine if the seal is genuine,
you will need to click on it and it should take you to
the certification website with proper authorization.
However you can simply do a search of the opportunity on
the Better Business Bureau website for any complaints
made against the company.

Another thing to look for in order to find a legitimate
work at home opportunity is the quality design of the
website. Even if you do not know much about website
design, you can when a website looks professional or not.
If a website has terrible ad copy with typographical
errors, links that do not work etc., leave right away because
it is more than likely a worthless scam website.

Finally when looking for a legitimate work at home
opportunity do not be too gullible. If it seems too good
to be true, more than likely it is! Do not believe all
the personal stories, photos of checks, photos of luxury
houses and cars which they claim to own. Photos are easy
to be edited and stories and testimonials can be fabricated.
Simply use due diligence and analyze the opportunity.

Oh another thing, lots of website will state that the
offer will expire in a few hours or a few days. Usually
this is not the case and is simply a tactic used to
cause you to make the purchase right away. You Do Not
Have To! Review the opportunity properly to make an
informed decision.

As revealed, you can find a legitimate work at home
opportunity once you know how. Again please make
sure the opportunity has proper contact details, it
offers at least a 30 day money back guarantee, the
opportunity is credible with a good proven track record -
you can find out by checking the opportunity at Also make sure the website is
professionally designed. Do Not Be Too Gullible. If it
seems too good to be true it is. Even though 95% of
millions of work at home programs are scams, when
you know what to look for you can find the needle in
the haystack.

I'll talk to you soon...

To Your Success!

Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Complete Work At Home Directory

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Chris Farrell Membership.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do You Really Want The Truth?

The truth is 90% of internet home business
opportunities are scams designed to take your

Don't be discouraged though. You really can learn
how to make $1000's on the Internet. I can help you
find a solid, effective home business opportunity.

I've done the research. I know the scams. I have
helped literally thousands of people find just the
right work at home solution for themselves. I know
which home business models work on the Internet
and which ones don't. And I'm telling.

I have been evaluating Internet home business
opportunity models for over 6 years. I'm telling
you with 100% honesty, that at least 9 out of 10
of them are scams. That's at least 90%

But you don't have to fall into their traps. Before
you buy into a home business opportunity, you
owe it
to yourself to find out the truth.

* Fact: There are some websites that offer legitimate
home business models.

* Fact: There are hundreds of webmasters out there
who trick people into buying into their scam business.

* Fact: At best, you have a 1 in 10 chance to find a
legitimate home business opportunity.

* Fact: It is incredibly easy to put together an ebook
and sell it on the Internet. Anyone can call themselves
an expert and offer to sell you their secret system for
$29 - $49.

* Fact: Most people who buy a home business scam never
ask for refund. The reason is because they don't
remember how, or they get busy and forget about it.

* Fact: The "rich" webmaster puts pictures of cars,
homes, yachts, pools, etc. on their home business
opportunity website. Do you think they really own these?
Not likely.

* Fact: Testimonials are most often fabricated. Even
though this is highly illegal, no one ever takes the
time and effort to prosecute for this kind of fraud,
so webmasters get away with it.

* Fact: Your money is valuable, but your TIME is far
more valuable.

That last point is crucial. You just don't have the
time to waste. You could spend your $49 on that home
business opportunity ebook, but you will never get
back the time it took you to read it and figure out
that it wasn't going to work. That is time that you
could have spent with your family or friends. Or,
time you could have invested in getting a head start
on a legitimate home business opportunity that WILL
work. You don't have that time to waste.

Find out now which home business opportunities will
work and which ones won't. That's what I'm prepared
to help you with.

Because you have joined my newsletter, over the next
few emails I will give you my free free email
mini-course on how to pick out the home business
opportunities that are scams. I could give you a
long list of the websites that are scams, but I'm
not going to do that. I'm going to do better than
that. I'm going to teach YOU how to spot them. There
are several tell-tale signs that, once you know them,
will shout in loud words,

"This is a scam! Leave this website immediately!"

If you're like most people, you don't know which
internet work at home business opportunities are
genuine and which ones are not. The reason is because
these home business opportunity webmasters are so
slick with their sales pitches. Over the next few days I
will show you how to smoke out the scammers.

You do know however that people are making a great
living every day from home with Internet businesses.
You probably even know some of these people. I'm one
of them in fact.

And believe me, there is absolutely no reason why
you can't create a very profitable Internet home
business yourself.

That's what you're searching for right now, and I
have good news for you. You can! And it's not that

Every day for the next seven days you will learn a
new trick that webmasters will use to make you
believe that they deserve your money. Some of these
will shock you. If you don't know these persuasive
secrets, you will very likely fall into a home
business opportunity scam.

The email course is entitled:

"The Seven Secrets Used By Scammers".

Tomorrow make sure check your email for the 1st secret.

I'll talk to you soon...

To Your Success!

Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Complete Work At Home Directory

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Chris Farrell Membership.

Staying Focused On Your Goals

When you are the owner of a home business, you will find
hundreds of distractions that vie for your time, energy and

Common distractions include: children, family, friends,
neighbors, pets, phone calls, mail, household chores, video
games, television, neighborhood children, visitors, and so many

As an owner of a home based business, you must always remember
your purpose in bringing your profession home. What was your
reason for wanting to own a home business? Was your goal to work
from home so that you can share in the lives of your children?
Was your goal to be out from under the rule of a tyrannical
boss? Was your goal to have the freedom to work when it is
convenient for you? Was your goal to make tons of money working
for yourself?

Here`s a few good tips that will help you stay focused
on your
home business:

TIP #1:
Whatever your reason for going out on your own, you must keep
your reason in the forefront of your mind. If you forget your
reason for starting your own home business, you will not be
working for yourself for long. It is far too easy to let
circumstance drive your activities --- and when circumstance is
in the driver`s seat, you are more likely to crash and burn.

TIP #2:
Remember --- your own business is a lot like a real job. Some
people go to work to play, some go to socialize, and others ---
most often those who are paid in a commission or tip environment
--- go to work to work and to make money. When you work for
yourself, your salary is directly proportional to your
productivity. Therefore, wouldn't it make sense to stay focused
on getting as much done in as short of a period as possible?

Go to work to work and to make money. Leave playtime and
recreation for when your workday has ended.

TIP #3:
When you are dealing with family in the course of your workday,
it is important to schedule your activities as much as possible.
With small children, you must take time when you must, but you
should also work hard to make sure you dedicate a specific
number of hours to your wor{day.

With older children, it is much easier to tell them that you
will be working between the hours of x and y. Your children and
your friends must understand that certain hours of your day are
devoted to the activities$of your business.

TIP #4:
Don`t permit your friends and extended family to run over you.
Many people get the blind idea that if one works from home then
they are not actually working.

Well-meaning people may try to fill your doorway to bring advice
about getting a real job. Others may simply believe that if you
are at home, then you are fair game for chitchat and

You must stand firm. You must make certain your friends and
family understands that when you are working, then you ARE
working! If they wish to socialize with you, then they need to
do it during the hours that are not dedicated to your home

You are the only one who can stand up for you. Your friends and
family will seldom be able to appreciate your dedication to your
home business, unless you make the effort to make sure that they
have the same respect for your business that you do.

TIP #5:
You should allot a certain portion of your day to email and to
regular mail. For example, allot one hour in the morning and one
hour in the afternoon to handling your written communications.

Unless you dedicate certain times to the handling of these
communications, you will soon find yourself on the downward
slope of decreased productivity.

TIP #6:
When you find yourself spending too much time doing
non-productive activities, then you should seriously consider
finding a third-party service provider who will assist you in
those non-profitable business activities.

As an example, you might be in the mail-order business. You
might believe that your time is best spent writing ad copy and
setting up your advertising, but you find yourself spending far
too much time taking care of your books to take care of your
advertising in the manner that you should. In this event, it
might make more sense to hire a bookkeeper to handle your
financial records for you.

In the end, the success of your home business is entirely and
completely reliant upon you and the decisions that you make.

You had your reasons for deciding to start your own home based
business. You must always keep your reasons in the forefront of
your mind. You must always be able to rely upon your own self
and your dedication to the success of your business.

Your friends and family might be annoyed that they cannot come
visit upon their own whim, but when success comes to you and
your business, they will better appreciate you for putting your
foot down when necessary.

Success is within your reach, if only you can stay focused on
your goals. You must decide to reach for your goals, and then,
you must have the discipline necessary to reach them.

Make the rest of your day GREAT!

Your friend in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Chris Farrell Membership.

The Short Cut To Home Business Success

Cut your way to your goal the easy way.

Do you sometimes wish that life was a little easier?
Well, it can be if you get on the fast-track.

No one has ever logged onto the Internet for the first
time and started pocketing dollars in a really short
period of time. As with all things in life, there is a
learning curve.


Just a few short years ago, I was a working stiff just
like you.

Every night after work, I would get online and explore
different ways of using the Internet to make money.

In the two years that followed, I spent over $50,000
racking(up credit card debt buying eBooks, membership
sites, special retorts, opt-in leads, and joining every
"guru" recommended business opportunity that flew into
my email inbox.

I stayed up learning, working, and drinking coffee until
5:00 in the morning, month after month filled with the
hope of making money online.

In my third year of working part-time to build a home
based income, I finally broke through and earned over
$100,000 in just twelve months from the Internet.


Research the lives of all of the "gurus." The one thing
that you will learn is that my own experience is not
unique. Most of the high earners on the Internet
experienced a learning curve very similar to my own.

Chances are that your curve will also be similar to mine,
but it is my hope that you can get to the top faster
than even I did. Three years was a lono time to struggle,
but everù ounce of struggle was worth the reward I háve
finally received.

In order to shorten your own learning curve, you must do
a few things differently than the rest of us did. You
must become the master of your learning curve.


There is only one way to shorten the curve on the Internet:

You must plan to succeed!

Here is the deal. Most people put up a freebie website and
select a few affiliate programs to add to their website.
Right out of the gate, most people are running for the finish
line without any real plan in mind.

After a few short weeks, people begin to see the writing on the
wall that says, "This is going to be a long hard road."

People check their hit counters daily for six weeks before they
realize that getting traffic to their free site is going to be

At this point, they begin developing their first batch of
advertising. Then they spend countless months finding places to
show their advertisements for free. Some make an even more
drastic mistake by blowing thousands of hard earned dollars on
their new and untested ads.

These are the people who will learn the facts of life the hard

In time, they will learn how to make their advertising work for
them, but most will earn very little money from their affiliate

At this point in the learning curve, most people throw up their
hands and walk away from their dreams in utter disgust. Instead
of a walking away point, this should have convinced the
struggling online entrepreneur that they were simply traveling
the wrong road.


From day one, you must begin to learn about the nuances of web
promotion. Read everything you can get your hands on. Don't just
read the hype, back it up with the opinions of others who have
reviewed the same programs before you came along. Learn from
their mistakes and successes.

As you begin to learn, you must also look to make a decision. Do
you want to step into a pre-built program that is designed to
help you to succeed, OR do you want to create a completely new
program of which you are the sole owner?

If you decide to go the journey on your own, then do all of the
necessary research, planning and preparation that is needed for
your success.


Decide what you think you would want to do, and then figure out
how your planned site will generate a real income.

Internet old-timers know about hundreds of corporation domains
that existed with IPO millions, but did not have an actual money
plan that could sustain their business model. Most of these
companies were among the hundreds of companies that bellied up in
the 2000 dot com bomb experience.

Don't blindly believe in your plan. Research others on the web
who have undertaken similar business models and see if they have
survived. Study your competitors in depth to learn what is
working for them and what did not work for them. To better
understand what has or has not worked for competitor websites,
check out their time lapsed progressions using the Wayback

Once you have determined your money plan, then you should
undertake the development of a business plan and a marketing
plan. Utilize professional assistance if you need to do so. While
creating your plans, make a determination as to which domain name
you think would be best, then register it along with a hosting
account. You can do this at Host Monster.

Once you have developed your business plan and marketing plan and
have run them through several revisions, then it will be time to
buy your domain name and to begin work with a site designer and
developer. You may need to have your domain sitting on a web host
for your site developer, but this is not always necessary. While
they are doing their work, enlist a copywriter to help you with
your site sales copy.

When your site designer and developer have your site working, you
should then undertake significant testing to make sure everything
works as planned. It is much harder to fix problems on a
operational site than it is to fix problems on a site that has
yet to be launched.

When testing is done, then you should fill in your sales copy and
then shoot for launch. Of course, you already have a marketing
plan in place, so your preparation here will be simply a matter
of putting the pieces of the puzzle into place.

You are finally ready to open for business. Don't be afraid to
spend the money to bring your dream alive. Time can replace money
in the goal of starting a profitable online business, but money
invested can shave years off of your company's growth.

Make the rest of your day great!

Your friend in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Chris Farrell Membership.

Work At Home Assembly Scams

Please don't waste your time.

I just want to warn you about these "home
assembly" opportunities.

They are dangerous because they are SO darn
seductive. They make you think that you can
just turn your "idle" time in dollars by
doing some "easy" assembly in a few minutes.

They tell you that the average person can
assemble 10 in an hour and that they pay
you $4 for each one!

Whoa! That's $40 an hour!

Wow! That's 80 grand a year!

Woo-hoo! Where do I sign up?!

Here's how they work:

You PAAAAAY to have someone send you the
parts for some kind of hand-built thingy--
like cookie cutters, or beaded jewelry, or
something like that.

You PAY for the parts, assemble them and
then "sell" them back to the company.

You get the difference between what you
paid for the parts and what you sell them
back to the company for.

But that NEVER happens. Want to know the

First, there is almost always something
wrong with the parts that you are given.
They aren't punched out correctly or one
part is missing, or something like that.

So it takes you FOREVER to fix that little
problem on each one and finally get the
thing put together.

Second, after you fight through all the
problems and finally get the shipment
back to the company, you don't hear from

Then if you're lucky enough to find a
working phone number for them,they tell
you that the assembly was "inferior" and
they had to reject your items.

YOU don't get paid!

Then you ask for your security deposit
back and you're told that it was

Look, this really is a scam. Right to the

Think about it. This idea might have
worked in the US 100 years ago. It might
have made a lot of sense then.

But now, high speed factories put these
things together, and if it really is
something that has to be hand-built.
There are literally millions of people
in China, Thailand and the Philippines
lining up to do this kind of work for
50 cents an hour!

Although there may be some legitimate work
at home assembly programs, they are very
scarce. After viewing most of these type
programs, I can not recommend any to you.

I hope I got this information to you
in time. Please don't fall for this

There are too many GREAT opportunities
for people like YOU who have a computer
and a connection to the Internet.

You can find them here:
The Work At Home Directory Online

Don't ever give up on your dream,

Make the rest of your day great!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

This Should Be Encouraging

I just want to encourage you for a minute.

Don't give up.

Most people do give up. They turn away from their
dream and go back to a job they hate.

I've tried hard to figure out why this happens. People
give me a TON of reasons that they are not able to
make a go of their own business.

What I've found though is that all of these reasons
really boil down to one thing.

I don't want to get all "woo-woo" and psychological
on you. But just for a minute, I have to ask you--do
you really think you CAN make a home<>business

Most of us were raised to be workers. And I'm not
down on that. We need the salespeople and the
engineers and the mechanics. But hey, YOU found
me. Remember? That means something.

You went looking for a way out of the workaday
world and you found me--the guy trying to keep
you from getting scammed.

That is your first clue that you were not meant
for the office, or the garage or driving that route,
or whatever you currently do.

You know that there is a way out. There are
people out there living that dream right now.

They are no smarter than you. The question
do you realize that yet? I mean REALLY?

It's not their brains, or their looks, or their
age or their circumstances or anything like
that that caused them to succeed.

Guess what, the reason they succeeded is
because they didn't listen to all the people
around them that told them they couldn't.

They believed that they could. Then they
learned what they needed to know and put
it into action.

I'll be very honest with you. They ran into
roadblocks along the way. Things they didn't
know how to do exactly. Struggles they didn't

And here's what they did about them: they
shut down for the evening, went to bed, and
thought about it. The next day they came back
with a fresh idea and a new solution.

This just happened to me. It happens to me
all the time. I hate the roadblocks and the
setbacks, but almost every single time, I
come back with a much better solution--
one I never would have dreamed up if the
roadblock hadn't happened.

But listen, I really struggled with this idea.
I was raised to be a worker. I was told that
the best thing in the world was to work for
a company your whole life and they would
take care of you.

But thankfully, I took the plunge and fired
myself. Burned the bridges. I can't go back if
I had to. I am completely unemployable now.

And I love it.

And I continue to face challenges. Just like
the one in front of you now. But I BELIEVE
that I can work through them, and come out
on the other side.

And I always do.

Listen, you don't want to hear about my
lifestyle. It's all that stuff you've heard
about before. The nice vacations, the cushy
work hours, being home with my family all the
time. All that.

It's an amazing life, but I just wanted to
tell you that I'm no different from you.

You really can do this. Just believe that
you can work through it, and put some
effort into it.


I didn't and that has made all the difference.

Make the rest of your day great!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Cost Effective Way To Start A Home Business

I hope you are enjoying my newsletter and blog posts! If I
can do anything to help, please let me know!

Whether seeking a supplemental income or a full-time income,
many folks have undertaken the task to discover a viable home
based business solution to meet their personal needs.

For most folks who contemplate a home business, a low-cost or
no-cost solution is not only nice, but also very necessary Many
also seek to find a home business that will permit them to
maintain their regular day job in order to protect their base

Taking the cautious approach to a home based business and
keeping one`s job during the start-up period is often a very
good decision. By maintaining one's job, one can maintain the
health of their personal finances while permitting their home
business grow healthy and strong.

Fortunately, most home based businesses can be started withlittle or no cash, can be maintained on a shoestring budget, and
can be operated successfully with only a part-time investment.

One day, the business will be strong enough to support itself
and its owner. When that time comes, it will make good sense for
the business owner to leave his or her outside job to dedicate
more time to growing and maintaining their new thriving home
based business. You will know when that time has finally arrived.

The nature of a home based business makes it easy and very
realistic for most folks to take the plunge into home business

Yet, many folks put off starting their own home based business,
because they have the misconception that they will have to risk
thousands of their own hard-earned dollars at start-up. Then
later, if their business fails, they fear they may be forced to
take out a second mortgage on their house just to stay out of

Are you one of these folks? Do you let your fears of failure
keep you from reaching for your dreams?

If so, then allow me to introduce you to a few home business
ideas that you can start for less than $100 and can be started
and operated very profitably as a part-time business.


First of all, let me advise you to search out a business model
that will deliver steady and repeat business. It is the one
thing --- above all others --- that will assure that your
company can survive the test of time.

Home-based mail order is a good example of how one can quickly
grow a home business income. Mail order is a low cost start-up
business that can be launched for around $100 USD.

With proper planning, your home-based mail order business will
not require up-front inventory purchases. In the mail order
business, it is not uncommon to rely upon drop-shippers for
product fulfillment services.

By utilizing drop-shippers, we can sell the products, collect
the money and then purchase the products from the wholesale
outlet. The wholesale outlet will then put a return address for
your company on the product packaging and`deliver the product
directly to your customer. Check This Out!

Your primary expense in the mail-order business is advertising.
Classified advertising tends to be a relatively inexpensive form
of advertising with thousands of outlets available to the small
business owner.

Buy low --- sell high. You can acquire high quality,
top-of-the-line merchandise for a fraction of the retail cost.

Auctions can be an excellent source for buying cheap and selling
high. Both government auctions and Internet auctions can lead to
some excellent profit opportunities. Auctions are an excellent
tool for both acquiring and selling merchandise.

Looking for Wholesale Suppliers? Try SaleHoo!

SaleHoo is a wholesale directory which is the absolute best in its
field of wholesale product sourcing. Their MASSIVE wholesale
suppliers directory has some absolutely amazing bargains in it
and they are offering you a limited time, lifetime membership!

If you are looking for the best possible prices on wholesale stock
then look no further than SaleHoo! They are so confident that
their product is the best that they offer a 56 day money back
guarantee if you aren't happy for any reason! Check out this
video presentation for more information:

Or Click Here To Read About or Sign Up To Salehoo!

Crafts are a hot seller at country fairs, swap meets or anyplace
where people gather. Make your own crafts and sell them for a
tidy profit!

Selling information by mail is another good example of an
inexpensive home based business start-up. One can gain the
resale rights to information for usually about $50 USD.
Other costs will include printer cartridges, paper and postage.
There are plenty of free classifieds sites on the Internet,
in which to successfully advertise your information.

Write and publish your own informational booklets; sell them at
a high price! All you need is a little know-how, a printer,
paper and stamps. This is a GREAT home business idea! You can
also sell the resale rights to others, for extra profits. In
this age of the Internet, you may also take advantage of the
fact that selling information is one of the most profitable
endeavors one can pursue online.

Offer office services for hire in your local paper. You`ll be
surprised at the amount of regular office business that can be
gleaned from one little classified ad. Word processing, typing,
accounting, data entry, proofreading, transcription, promotional
letters and newsletters. All these tasks can be accomplished
right from your own home office. Check This Out!

Yes, Avon`s been around for eternity, hasn`t it? Then it`s not
such a bad prospect as a home$based business, is it? I once knew
a woman who did so much business as an Avon rep. that she had
people calling her and knocking at her door wanting(to order
products0at all hours of thet ay and night! Once you are an
established Avon representative, you, too, will turn a good

On your search for the ideal home based business, try not to get
caught up in any scams that will run off with your money. There
are thousands of scam artists out there just waiting for the
next sucker to come along. Remember, if it sounds too good to be
true, then it probably is. Just use your good judgment and
invest wisely in proven methods of earning extra income.

Make the rest of your day great!

Your friend in success,

Your friend in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Home Based Businesses

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Want to Buy Wholesale Products to Resell?
Check this site out! SaleHoo!

Finding Your Home Business Niche

I hope you are enjoying my newsletter and blog posts! If I
can do anything to help, please let me know!

When some folks begin to think about a business of their own,
they know in that very moment what kind they are going to
start. Then, there are the rest of us...

Knowing that we want to have a business of our own is not
enough. Many of us have struggled with the important question
of what type of enterprise we would like to start.

Franchises offer a simple pre-packaged money making idea, but
the cost of a franchise often makes it a prohibitive option to
most folks who contemplate going out on their own.

For those who do not have a million dollars to buy a McDonalds
franchise, we must look to other ideas for our own business.

There are literally hundreds of lucrative home business ideas
for you to choose from, which will suit every type of
personality and all levels of financing. From selling
information on the Internet as a infopreneur, to growing
delicious gourmet mushrooms for sale to restaurants and catering
companies; there is a pile of money to be made by filling a
need, for these and a host of other necessary services.

Click here to see the top 10 home businesses

Of course, actually liking what you do, will have a lot to do
with the success of your new venture, so be sure to pick a home
business that you`ll enjoy running and that will keep you

For example, if you`re a math whiz, an accounting or income tax
service might be the ideal home business for you to start.
Perhaps writing is your forte and you`d like to start your own
home based copy writing service or advertising agency. Each of
these businesses can be run successfully--and profitably from
the comfort of your own home.

Academia might not be your cup of tea, but maybe you are good
with your hands --- having a creative genius where crafts are
concerned. Craft items are red-hot sellers at swap meets,
country fairs and world wide over the Internet, and they can
provide you with solid profits.

If crafts don`t interest you, then why not start a laundry
service with pick-up and delivery, or a shopping service for
shut-in`s--even a companion service or granny sitter or a
doctor shuttle service; any of which, could be much in demand,
in and around your neighborhood or community.

When brainstorming new ideas for your future home business,
keep in mind the soul of any successful endeavor is providing
a product or service that others will actually purchase in
quantities. Satisfy the needs of your target market, and your
target market will keep you and your home based business
healthy, happy and profitable.

Below are some suggestions for home business ideas
that might
help you decide on a suitable venture in
which to invest.

Multi-level-marketing (mlm), floral/plant service for offices
and hospitals, pooper-scooper service, dog walking service,
answering service, vending machine service, gift basket service,
homemade soap maker, mobile windshield repair service, mobile
tire repair service, income tax specialist, researcher,
freelance writer, business card and letterhead designer,

Courier, shut-in/shuttle service, landscaping service, tree
trimming service, wood crafter, carpenter, crafts and crafting
supplies, pool cleaning service, plants/nursery starts, growing
herbs, growing mushrooms, garage sale and swap meet vendor,
proofreader, private investigator, typing service, interior
decorator/designer, website design, wedding consultant,

Hot lunch/snack vendor at local courthouses, pet sitting
service, pet grooming service, Internet entrepreneur, paralegal,
gourmet catering service, new media production, mobile cosmetic
technician, mobile nail technician, mobile hair stylist,
aerobics instructor, personal fitness trainer, advertising
consultant, companion service, small printing service.

Ideas, ideas; hopefully the above ideas will give you some fresh
ideas of your own to mull over. A spring board if you will, on
which to dive into your own chosen home business.

When you work from home, any business you start has the
potential to explode into a perpetual gold mine! It just depends
on how much your home business is in demand around your
community or on the Internet. Your home business might start
slow and steady, regularly picking up clients as you become more

On the other hand, your chosen home business may take off like
wildfire, quickly becoming too hot for you to handle by yourself
(well done!). This is the time to enlist the help of willing
family members to help you out in your time of need, which
will make your business into a friendly, family concern. This
will also help family members better understand your business
and get a grasp on the mechanics of profit.

Good luck in all your decisions and have fun with your home
business, which ever one you choose, and don`t forget to enjoy
your new found freedom!

Thank you for being a valued subscriber!

Your friend in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Home Businesses

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Work From Home To Escape From The Lottery Hell

Never buy another lottery ticket.

You could have made your fortune by now if you
had just put a little money in one of these

Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

Don't be a fool. You know the odds against
winning the lottery. Every time you buy a
ticket, you're just blowing another hard earned
dollar. You might as well put that dollar in
your shredder.

I'm serious. Stop it.

At the Florida State Fair recently, I walked past
the Florida Lottery Game Show Stage. I thought it
might be fun. Then I noticed the audience.

I couldn't get myself out of that place fast

Can you say Jerry Springer?!

The place was full of broken down, hapless
people. People on their last legs mentally
and emotionally. They sat there expectantly,
gazing toward the stage, slack-jawed, hoping
that somehow this stupid little fake game
show would bring them money, or a way to win
the lottery.

Honestly, it looked like a zombie convention.

Please be sure that you understand me now. I
am not judging these people. I realize that
but for the grace of God, that's me.

These people have great hope, but it is
tragically misplaced.

When I call them zombies, it's because I mean
it. It's like a virus or an alien has taken
over their bodies. They live for Wednesday
night every week. Collectively, they pump
literally billions into the Florida lottery
system for their weekly desperate shot at an
escape from their self-imposed misery.

And it IS self-imposed. Don't kid yourself.
If they had just a little initiative, and
the right place to focus it, they could
climb out of that miserable "wait for
Wednesday" life really quickly.

Don't be like that. Don't ever buy another
lottery ticket. Try one of these programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

Give any one of them a try. Your odds of
winning are a THOUSAND times better than the

Make the rest of your day great!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Stop living for the Wednesday night
lottery drawing. You're not going to win it.
Take control of your own dreams. Do some-
thing that's going to make a real difference
in your INCOME. Try one of these:

Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

P.P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

Work at Home Programs - Don't buy anything without reading this...

Don't spend any more money on new
home biz

I'm serious. Just stop it. Stop chasing
the next "shiny object." I know it's
tempting, but just listen to me for a

Here's the problem: You know that people out
there are making a great living working at their
own Internet business. You get their emails.
They're telling you about the next greatest
e-book or secret or seminar.

And if you're like most of us, you jump at it.
"What!? This guy made 10 million last year on
the Internet!? He says it's easy and I can do
it too!?"

And you shell out your $49 or $79 or whatever
and download the e-book.

Then what happens? The baby cries, or it's time
for dinner, or some other distraction hits and
you tell yourself you'll get to it later, maybe
on the weekend.

Or you read the first few pages quickly and
like it and you tell yourself, "I've got to do
this. I'll start it next week."

But it never gets started does it.

And then you get another email...

And the cycle goes on and on.

However you're not alone. It's the same
with almost everyone.

It's just easy to get distracted by the next
greatest thing. Or life.

The truth is that YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY ANYTHING ELSE. Have you already bought something
like Millionaire League or Underground Cash
Secret? That's all you need. Just take out what
you've already bought and read it. Do it.


Don't put it off. Just set yourself a goal to
read 2 pages a day. That's enough to get started.
You can do that.

Working from home is not hard. And the products
really do work. Go here to see programs I recommend:

The Work At Home Directory Online

The truth is that they are all basically teaching
you how to do the same thing: Internet Marketing.

It's not hard. Just take it step by step and you
will be surprised how fast you're actually earning
money. In your sleep. While you're out shopping. Or
playing with your children or grandchildren.

Look, I'm sorry to get stern with you. I'm a nice
guy and it's really not in my personality to be so
harsh, but I just don't understand why you haven't
taken action.

Don't buy anything new. Just dust off what you've
already bought and put it into action.

It works. I know. I'm doing it and succeeding.

And I'm pretty lazy actually. To be honest.

Could you carve out an hour this weekend?

Then momentum kicks in and you're off and rolling.
Just get started. It's the hardest part! I'm serious.
After you get started, you get excited about the
possibilities and you start seeing money trickling
in and you can't wait to see what the next step

Give yourself a shot. And don't go chasing new
shiny objects. Pull out what works and start.

You'll thank me later.

Please do. I'd love to hear about your success.

Make the rest of your day great!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Don't believe a word of it

Don't listen to people who say you can't
make a good living off the Internet. They're
just jealous because they don't know how.

One of my old websites makes me about a
thousand dollars a month. It was the 2nd one
I ever built and I don't even touch it anymore.
I learned how to build that site from a guy that
makes several million dollars a year. (I know
it's true--I've seen his Ferrari).

Chris Farrell Membership

It seems that he has allowed someone to publish
how he makes this kind of money. I'm telling you
about this because honestly, I didn't know the
first thing about putting a website together and
how to sell stuff. I just did what he told me and
a few months later I was saying goodbye to all the
worries and hassles of the job world for good.

* No more demanding boss
* No more worries about cutbacks and
losing my job
* No more commute (not to mention
spending so much on gas)
* No more worrying about where next month's
house payment was coming from.

You truly cannot understand the joys of being self-
employed and working from your own home until you
experience it! That's all I want for you--just
what I've been enjoying for the last several years.

Don't listen to people who say you can't do it.
The real truth is that you can. Seriously. If
someone like me can do this, you can too.

Here's all you need: an education and a little
motivation. That's it. Can you provide the
motivation? If you're ready, here's the education.

In order to get your Internet business going,
You need a website! Here's how you get one--already
built--for free. You pay $49.99 for the education,
but the website is free.

And this time, there are no hosting fees. ZERO. I
LOVE that part! To create your site, you just click
on some options and in less than 5 minutes your
website is done and ready for you to start

* The copy is written
* The sales letter is highly optimized for
maximum sales
* The shopping cart is in place
* You get paid through PayPal each and every
time someone buys a download from your site.
* You don't even ship anything.

I've never seen anything easier.

And here's the great part--it's NOT in the home
business niche where it's already way overcrowded.

You get to choose what kind of information product
you want to sell, and people can literally start
buying from your site within a few minutes of the
time you start. I've never seen anything like it.

Go to Chris Farrell Membership Site to see what I'm
talking about.

Go do it. Don't put this off. No one's going to
walk up and just drop a profitable business in
your lap, but this is the next best thing I've
ever seen. You owe it to yourself to at least
take a look at this. Like I said, it's still
making me $1000 a month on one simple site
that I don't even touch anymore.

You need to start it yourself. You need to start
it now.

I don't mean to be tough on you. It's just that
I've found that most people put things off unless
they force them- selves to try it. It's time to
try it now. You know you've waited long enough.

All my best!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. I sat on the sidelines too long before I
put up my first website. I didn't realize how
much money I let slip away every day because
I waited. It's time to get off the sidelines. Here's the link again:
Underground Cash Secrets

Spending Money On Work at Home Programs But What's In It For You?

When you invest your hard earned money and time into something,
I am sure you would want to know what you are getting in return.

There are many benefits when you work at home.

When you invest $29 - $49+ in any of the programs on our website
you can expect huge returns on your investment. Here are some:

* 60 day money back guarantee of your registration fee.

* Income potential can be anywhere from $100 to $5,000 a month.
(It depends on how much effort you invest in the program).

* You control when you work. Work for as little as 1-3 hours
daily from the comfort of home

* Very easy to do for anyone. No need for any kind of computer

* You don't need a website, you don't need a product, and you
can start making profits within hours.

* Very easy to navigate control panel members area.

* Full step by step training provided.

* You will get paid on time. Some of the companies pay bi-weekly
and others pay monthly.

* In toady's job market, there are many people being laid-off or
fired. When you work for yourself you will be in control
of your financial future.

* The best, legitimate and stable companies available online.

* No added stress of commuting in traffic to and from work.

* More cash and peace of mind working from home being your
own boss.

* More time to spend with love ones, traveling or simply doing
the things that you truly enjoy.

As you can see there are many benefits, some of which I did not
get to mention but I am sure you get the idea. :-)

If you haven't registered to one of the Top Rated Work at Home
Jobs or Home Based Businesses, you need to do so right away.
Some of these opportunities have limited positions available.
Don't miss out on your chance to be successful, Go Here Now:
The Work At Home Directory

Your friend in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

The Secret of Happiness

It's Easier Than You Think

How are you? I trust that you and your love ones
are doing well and in good health.

To allow yourself to be happy is the greatest
wisdom there is. You might like to know that the
secret of happiness can be explained in just eight
words and is, in fact, quite simple. It does not
involve meditation, drugs or self-flagellation.
Each of the eight words is worth one million
dollars, but here they are, free:

“Live Today Whilst Working For A Better

That means you must try to live in the present
moment, experiencing what is happening right now
to you, good or bad. I want you to snatch
happiness when it comes to you, like a drowning
man or woman seizing the proverbial straw. This
is what it means to 'live today.

You must realize that everything you are today
and everything you own today is a direct result
of your past decisions. Decisions which you
took, either consciously, or by default. Nobody
else is to blame here. But once again I find
this immensely comforting, because the power is
in your hands to change the future, you don't
have to wait for someone else to change it for
you. If your present life is a result of your
past decisions, then the future is created by
your present decisions, and boy is that true!

Work gives direction, meaning and engages the
brain. Idleness rots you from deep within. So
you should be constantly working and scheming
so that your future (which will come around
soon enough) will be even better than your

Make the rest of your day great.

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Millionaire Secrets Continued

Things You Should Know For Success

How are you? I trust that you and your love ones
are doing well and in good health.

If you missed my previous post, you can see it here:
Millionaire Secrets Revealed!

In this blog post I want to share with you three more
secrets of Millionaires. I do believe that this
information will help you greatly in your home
based business and in your personal life. Here
they are:

* 5 * You Must be Prepared to Pay the Price

Self-made millionaires achieved this status
because they were willing to pay the price. There
is a price to pay for getting rich, just as there
is a price to pay for everything you attain in
your life. Many chatter about being willing to
pay the price, but few will actually do so. If
you are serious about becoming a wealthy man or
woman, you need to be prepared to pay the
considerable price tag associated with that
blissful state. It doesn't come free.

To make a lot of money, you’re going to have to
give up many things. Often you won’t even know
what the price is when you start out.
Nevertheless, you must resolve to pay it. This
is the factor which stops most people from
getting rich. They want it for nothing and are
not willing to sacrifice anything at all to get
it. This is a fantasy. All Dreams Have Their

* 6 * You Must Take Firm Decisive Action

Serious people actually do something; non-serious
people talk about doing something or plan to do
something one day. If you want to be wealthy, you
must take action. Action really is the key. You
can have the best ideas in the world or be the
most talented person on the planet, yet still if
you do not take action you will remain poor.

"A half-wit who actually does something will beat
an inactive genius, hands down." You need to take
action, but most people cannot master this one -
it is far too hard for them. The two main reasons
for non-action are laziness and fear. The fear is
usually fear of success or fear of change. We are
all lazy, we all fear change. Winners are able to
push through these negatives. Losers succumb to

* 7 * You Must Know When to Stop

The wise person decides how much is ‘enough’
before setting foot on the path to riches. Now we
arrive at the deepest secret of happiness
associated with wealth. Also, this is the most
difficult initiation test of all seven. Yes,
knowing when to stop is actually more difficult
than making it in the first place!

Remember one thing. The aim in life is to be
happy. Money is one way (yes, a big way) in which
you can achieve happiness, but don't lose sight
of the fact that it is happiness you are after as
a final goal, not money. If you ever make any real
money you will be so caught up in your astonishing
success that you will find it very hard to quit.
You will be tempted to work harder and faster to
get more whilst the going is good. Then, if you
hit a lean time, you will work harder and faster
to try and get back what you have lost. In short,
you will always be working harder and faster.

Knowing when enough is enough is the most
difficult challenge you will ever face. Are you
going to work at making money until you drop? If
so, why? What is it all for? Only a fool would
do this. So, if you are not going to work until
you drop, when are you going to stop, or cut
back? I don’t mean stop living and fail to
develop, I mean stop accumulating cash. Answer:
When you have ‘enough’ - so you need to know
what ‘enough’ is for you, bearing in mind the
price. Also, you need to think about what else
you want to do with your life, if anything.
And this is a problem for many people.

We are all so conditioned to work until we drop
that we have given little thought to what else
we want to do with our lives. Perhaps now is
the time for you to think a little about this?
The best way to get wealthy is to start a
business, but you should not start or run a
business unless you have a clear answer to
the questions: “When do I get out? When will
I have enough?”

Running a business is all about making maximum
money in minimum time, then selling out or
closing down and getting yourself a real life!
If your business is also your passion, then you
might never actually close it down, but it
becomes more of a hobby than a driving force
which dictates your life.

There you have it! The seven secrets of
becoming wealthy. Now its up to you to put
them into practice.

Make the rest of your day great.

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Here Are Seven Secrets of Millionaires

The Things You Should Know To Be Successful

How are you? I trust that you and your love ones
are doing well and in good health.

In this email I want to share with you the first
four of seven secrets of Millionaires. I do
believe that this information will help you
greatly in your home based business and in your
personal life. Here they are:

* 1 * Believe That You Deserve to be Wealthy

You are lost if you do not believe that having
money is a good thing. You need the self-confidence
and focus to follow your dream and this will be
fatally undercut if you have the wrong philosophy
of life and money. No amount of effort on your part
will overcome a faulty philosophy. If, deep down,
you believe that wealth is a sin or that money is
dirty, or wicked then the first step is for you to
correct this error or give up all hopes of wealth
for you and your family.

* 2 * It All Starts With a Dream

If you don't have a dream, how are you going to
make your dreams come true? It all starts with a
dream... Let me tell you up front that if you do
not have a dream, you will not become wealthy other
than by winning a game of chance. It's just too
hard. To make this kind of money you need to be
laser-beam focused, and you can't be that if you
only have a halfhearted interest in what you are

Dreaming is a type of visualization. It is
visualization plus passion. These are the things
that you really want to be, to have or to do. If
you do not achieve these things over (say) the
next ten years, you are going to be seriously
disillusioned and upset. You should be able to
write a list of six such things. Can you really
visualise yourself being wealthy?

* 3 * You Must Have a Plan

To make serious money, you must know what you want
and have a plan for achieving it. There is a
well-known yet powerful method of achieving
everything you want in life. It only takes five
minutes. Anyone can do it but hardly anyone does.
Imagine - something you can do in just five minutes
which can send your income through the roof, improve
your relationships and power-boost your life towards
total success. Wouldn't you want to do that right
away? I'm talking about the time-honored technique
of goal-setting.

It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that
people who set written goals lead richer, happier,
more fulfilling lives than people who merely drift
through life, rudderless. Now if you're yawning and
thinking “seen it, done it” I challenge you to go
right this moment and fetch your own list of goals.
If you are able to do this, it marks you out as
very special. If you cannot go and get your goal
list, right this second, may I suggest you stifle
that yawn and take a few minutes to do set some
short and long term goals.

* 4 * You Need Discipline

Successful people know that they must sacrifice
something today in order to achieve a lot more
tomorrow. Here's an important key to wealth: Life
doesn't respond to needs, wishes or desires. It
laughs straight back in your face. Only your
disciplined effort right now will plant the seeds
of future crop which will meet your needs.

To complain that your needs should be filled right
now is effectively to say: "I have needs. Someone
else should work and slave so that my needs might
be provided for." Who cares about your needs?
Nobody. Furthermore the seed alone is not enough,
is it? You must also plant, tend, water and hoe
it. These activities can be summed-up by the
phrase 'disciplined effort.' Effort means the
sweat of your brow; discipline means meticulously
and regularly applied. A little each day. Gradually.
This is how the rewards build up over the years.
Not in a rush.

You don't hoe, weed and water all in one day and
expect a bumper crop the next. No, it doesn't work
like this. You hoe a little one day, weed the next,
water when it's dry, then go right back to hoeing.
Sounds like hard work? Welcome to the real world!
Nothing Comes From Nothing. Successful people are
disciplined. They choose some pleasure now, but
will then choose hard work and effort over further
immediate pleasure - this sows the seeds in order
that they can reap a richer future harvest. They
become successful and wealthy people.

In the next email I will give you the other three
important secrets of millionaires. Be sure to look
for it.

Make the rest of your day great.

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!

P.P.S. Do you want a profitable, reliable home
business that will generate a continuous flow of
residual income? Then join this program today!

Do Data-Entry Programs Actually Work?

The Answer Is Yes!

People often ask me whether online data
entry programs are scams or not, and do
people actually make money from them.

Well the answer is yes, some of them
are scams. To answer the other part of
the question, yes people are making
money with data entry programs.

But I must tell you this, you will not be
doing traditional type at home work in
your spare time and getting paid for it.

Want to know what they're really selling?
It's actually the same as the pay-per-click
or affiliate marketing sites.

I have been getting some positive feedback
from this data entry program:
Data Entry Work at Home Cash

What you do is write ads that will be
attractive and will send prospective
customers to other websites. If those
customers buy, you get a com-mission.

It's NOT just typing. You have to open up
an account with one of the online
advertisers (usually Google,MSN, or Yahoo).
Then you enter the ads and they go out on
the Internet.

Here's what you're not told: every time
someone clicks on your ad, you pay!


You pay around a $.20 to $.50 per click.
And if you want better exposure, you may
pay more than that.

If your ad is sparkling and the site you
send someone to is really a great value,
then you can make some decent money.

The truth is that this kind of program
actually works.

The main problem I have with data entry
programs is that they are not upfront
with the person purchasing the program.
I say this as it relates to their sales
page. They usually give the impression
that you will be doing typing for
different companies.

They do this because the idea of doing
data entry from home is very appealing to
a lot of people. As a result their
programs are sold quickly. But this can
be considered deceptive advertising.

Data entry programs is basically
affiliate marketing training, they just
changed the title to "data entry" to
increase sales.

It's an affiliate marketing business,
don't think for a minute that it's a
typing business, but you can make quick
money doing "data entry programs".

It is NOT my intent to "sell" you
anything in this blog post. I just wanted
to answer that question for you.

I get so many people asking about
data entry programs. Hope this post

Make the rest of your day great!

Your partner in success,


Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs

The Work At Home Directory Online

P.S. If you know how to use a computer and
type at least 30 words per minute, you
can turn your typing skills into a
lucrative business. We'll show you how
to make $30 to $50 an hour with your
computer. Click here to get started

P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity
if it's not listed here:
Top Rated Data Entry Programs