If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make
your dreams come true?
It all starts with a dream...
Let me tell you up front that if you do not have a dream,
you will not become a millionaire other than by winning
a game of chance. It's just too hard.
To make this kind of money you need to be laser-beam
focused, and you can't be that if you only have a half
hearted interest in what you are doing. You know this
is true.
How? Just look at some famous multi-millionaires who
still keep working ten or twelve hours a day, even
though they don't need the money.
Why do they do this? Because they have a passion for
what they do. They would probably do it without
Dreaming is a type of visualization.
It is visualization plus passion. These are the things that
you really want to be, to have or to do. If you do not
achieve these things over (say) the next ten years, you
are going to be seriously disillusioned and upset.
You should be able to write a list of six such things.
If you cannot think of a single one then you are most
unlikely ever to live a life of power and passion.
Also, your chances of making big money are vanishingly
small. If you like, this is your first reality check.
Can you think of a few things about which you are
passionate? One or two things which you care deeply
about? Just one would be a start.
Don't beat yourself up if you cannot immediately think
of something. It is hard to dream up a better life for
yourself due to the decades of negative conditioning
you have allowed yourself to accept.
How often did your teachers, parents and friends
encourage you to dream and ask you to share your vision
with them?
Approximately never? I thought so! How often did
someone shoot your fledgling dreams down in flames or
pour scorn upon them? Small wonder that your dreams are
not on public display.
As you continue your quest to work from home to
supplement your income or earn a full time income, you
must remain focus on your dream of being financially
Make the rest of your day great and keep dreaming big.
Your friend in success,
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P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
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