What I am going to be revealing to you is exactly what
I wish someone would have shown me when I started
looking for a REAL work-at-home opportunity.
I got scammed so many times it wasn't funny. I DID find
a great solution for me finally, but I wasted a lot of
time and money trying to find it. That's what I want to
spare you.
There's no reason for you to be scammed too. Not when
I have the information you need to avoid it.
But... No one else on the Internet reveals the
information I am about to tell you.
What you are being subjected to at most work-at-home
opportunity sites is a very subtle form of seduction.
I know that sounds strange, but let me show you over
the next few days what is happening.
The First Secret of Seduction is simply this:
Knowing that you are being scammed.
You are being seduced into pulling your credit card
out of your wallet and willingly paying $97 or
whatever for an opportunity to escape the rat race.
It will cost you dearly if you don't know about the
con they are playing on you.
The first thing you need to understand is the
power of persuasive writing.
Are you familiar with what a copy-writer does? He or
she is the professional writer who writes all the text
of the web pages of all the business opportunity
websites that you find on the Internet.
Care to guess how much they get paid? Some copywriters
are paid as much as $20,000 to write ONE webpage. This
page is called the "sales letter" and it is the first page you
see when you first go to a business opportunity site.
Click Here For The Top 10 Work at Home Opportunities
You know the kind of page I'm talking about. It's about 10
to 20 pages long. You feel like you've read a book when
you get to the bottom of it.
The reason they are paid so much is because they can
con most people into buying pretty much anything.
Don't think you're immune! You are not.
The tricks are so subtle--I guarantee you won't know how
they are making you want to buy, but you find yourself
wanting to believe that this is the way out of your
financial problems.
You think, maybe I can do this. It sounds easy... And
fast... And look at all these testimonials of other
people doing it...
You find yourself reaching for your credit card...
I'm serious. It's almost like hypnosis.
Let me ask you this, have you ever read one of those 10
page sales letters all the way to the bottom? If you're
like most of us, you have. And the reason you did that
is because that copywriter was successfully seducing you.
He or she conned you into wasting 30 minutes of your life.
Copywriters are just that good at what they do. The best
ones are offered HUGE contracts to develop the "copy" for
an entire website.
They write for both legitimate sites and scam sites. They
really don't care if the site they are writing for is scam
or not. As long as they get paid.
The copy-writer will work on a website's sales letter
page for weeks and fine tune every single sentence. The
objective is to build trust, hope and/or fear in you as
they move you down the "sales funnel."
If you are aware of this, you have a better chance of
protecting yourself against it. The copywriter is slowly
and methodically removing all your objections one by one
until you reach the bottom of the page.
And it is there that you are hit with the FINAL BLOW and
seduced into spending your money.
In my next blog posts I will give you other work at home
seduction scam secrets to look for before joining a work
at home program to avoid being a victim of scam artists.
Return to this blog over the next few days to get all
the secrets!
Oh yeah, do you want to know which work at home businesses
I found that will allow you to make a five figure income per
month working from home? The Top 10 Work At Home Review
is the real deal. I know, because I'm making money every day.
Make the rest of your day great!
Your friend in success,
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Work At Home Directory Online
P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!
P.P.S.If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Profit System.
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