Successful people know that they must sacrifice
something today in order to achieve a lot more
For years I denied to myself that this was one of the
secrets of becoming a millionaire, having a
successful work at home business or achieving
anything else of note for that matter.
I think the reason that I avoided naming this secret
was because I disliked the word 'discipline.' But there
isn't a better single word which adequately covers
this concept.
'Focused Will' is close, but that's two words. Single
words work better for concepts like these, so we're
stuck with 'discipline'.
In my discussions with other multi-millionaires, and
other work at home individuals, this was the word they
used most frequently when trying to explain their
success. I became really excited when I finally accepted
this. A lot of things fell into place. This was the key
concept which differentiated the rich from the poor; the
successful from the failures.
Without it, you're one of the 95%+ who fail at working
from home. Remember, this is not my judgment on
others - I have no right to judge. These people are failures
by their own admission and definitions. If you were to ask
them if they feel they have succeeded in their work at
home business, or failed, they would readily confess to
having failed, although they would, of course, blame factors
outside of themselves for this failure.
With discipline, you have a good chance of rising above
the crowd, making money from your online business and
retiring early as a wealthy man or woman.
Everything I write is aimed at preventing you from
reaching retirement with nothing. If you reach
retirement as a pauper dependent upon charity, having
lived a life of quiet desperation, frustrated, never
having achieved anything much of note, never having
dreamed, never beaten a real challenge, then your life is a
failure by any standards, but certainly by your own. Of course,
if you are happy in your powerlessness and poverty, then none
of this matters.
Are you a disciplined person, in general?
There are hundreds of indicators of a disciplined mind,
not one of which is essential, but put together, they
start to add up to a pattern.
Can you get up in the morning? Are your shoes clean,
your hair and teeth brushed? Are your car and house
tidy? Are your personal papers (gas bills, bank
statements, etc.) filed in some sort of reasonable
order? Do you turn out a good job of work, even when
nobody is looking?
I could think of five hundred more indicators, but you
get the idea. It's up to you to look at your life and
make an honest assessment of your level of discipline
or lack of it.
Again, I am not judging you. Live how you want to live,
- it's your life. But if you want a life of power and wealth,
then I can guarantee you will not get it if your life is
anything like I have described.
Discipline is vital.
People often marvel at my success When I meet them
face to face. However I often say something like this:
"There's nothing really special about me. I'm just an
average guy made good. You could do what I have done."
I say this to try and remove the 'guru factor.' You
can't get people to emulate you if they think you're
the incarnation of a sun-god!
So I tell them I'm just a regular guy, and that's the
truth. Yes, I have an education and a certain amount of
common-sense. But one of the main reason why I have
had success working at home is because I have discipline.
Often, the people sitting opposite me do not have
discipline, or at least they haven't made it central to
their lives because, heck, it takes discipline to be
disciplined! I can see the lack of discipline in the
way they dress, the way they sit, and the way they
In order for you to start a work at home business, and to
make money and have success in your online venture,
you must decide to discipline yourself. You will not get
rich overnight despite what some websites promise
unless you first discipline yourself to devote time, energy,
effort and money into your work at home business.
Make the rest of your day great and discipline yourself.
Your friend in success,
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