Self-seeking work at home opportunities website owners
are doing everything they can do to seduce you into
buying their bogus home business Internet products.
And you're going to fall for it unless you've been
told their secrets beforehand.
The trick I'm going to tell you about today gets me
in trouble. I have a lot of people mad at me because I
tell this secret. But that's okay. They can be mad.
Honestly I don't care. What I do care about is protecting
the people who visit my blog (like you) from work at home
business scams and from being fooled by the tricks of
So do you want to know what the killer clincher at the
bottom of nearly every effective sales letter is? This is
the little seductive lie that seals the deal.
At this point the copywriter has slowly removed all of
your objections, making you think that you'd be an idiot
if you didn't buy the incredible work at home business idea!
He has you on the precipice, you're thinking about giving
it a try. All the copywriter needs to do is give you the
slightest little nudge and you go over the edge. And here
it comes:
It's called the Trick Deadline.
I know you've seen it. It takes on many forms. Here are
some examples:
"You must buy by midnight tonight or I can't guarantee
this price."
"We are definitely going back to our original price in the
next few days, so take advantage of this 50% discount NOW."
"We have sold thousands of copies of our package at the
$167 price. This experimental $49 price will only last
through the end of the day today."
Let me tell you, when you see these statements don't
believe them for a minute. The price is going to be the
exact same when you come back a week later or even a month
later. It's just a tricky sales tactic to get you to buy now.
The reason they do this is because they want your money
now. They have brought you through the sales funnel and
you will never be more susceptible to buying than you are
right at this minute. So they want to push you over
the edge.
My recommendation would be look around a bit. Read some
reviews of the product first. DO NOT trust the reviews that
took all their information from the sales letter of the
website that is being reviewed. You can read all that for
Instead, you need reviews of the actual ebook or service.
Reviews written by people who have actually read and
implemented the strategies and tools that are revealed in
the ebook.
One last thing. And I know that this is going to sound
hokey. But I have to say it. The trick deadline is used
by just about EVERY website out there. Even a few that
I have recommended on my website have done it.
I don't like it. It's regrettable. And I have talked to
the product owners about that, but they just tell me that
the deadline is so motivating that they do it to get their
sales up. They tell me that they believe in their product
so much that they don't have a problem motivating people
to buy in this way.
So that's that. I can't do anything about it except warn you
not to fall for it. Just know that you have been armed with
knowledge about the trick deadline. You don't have to fall
for it.
I really just don't want you to fall into the trap of
thinking that you just happened to stumble into a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you have to make your
decision right now to get it at a particularly good price.
You've got the knowledge now. Don't fall for the tricks.
Definitely take a look at my Top 10 Work At Home Opportunities.
Then you will be armed with real knowledge about the best
products before you invest your money and time.
That's all for today. In my next post I'll give you Work At
Home Scam Secret #3. This one is the most effective one
of all. It's also the most illegal one of all.
Make the rest of your day great!
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Complete Work At Home Directory
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P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Profit Banking System.