What Job Tasks You Will Need To Perform?
What you will need to do is type very short articles, usually about a paragraph in length. What you will type will be based on the content of any of the thousands of companies My-Data-Team provide; these are not ads. You will have the opportunity to be creative with your articles, OR if you are not the creative type, you will be provided with special training tutorials and tools that will show you how to easily type article content for any of the companies using the methods we show.
The training program provided to all colleagues will give you everything you need with step-by-step tutorials. You will be provided with all of the companies (Over 20,000 currently) to type your articles for. You will find almost every type of Internet company you can think of (No Adult Sites). Fortune 500 companies such as WalMart, Apple, American Express, eBay, Netflix, Target to name just a few are available.
The program also have much smaller companies that deal with anything from home and garden to self help programs and everything in between.
My-Data-Team will certify that all of the companies you work with will make their payments for your earnings, and on time. So you do not need to worry about collecting your earnings for the work you do; they have done all that for you.
How and When You Will Be Paid?
Once you create the short articles for any of the thousands of companies we provide, they will be used in one or all of the four primary programs. You can get paid for submitting your article to the publishing companies we provide, get paid for posting your articles to blogs, get paid for submitting your article to forums, get paid for submitting your article to revenue sharing companies as well as several other ways to get paid for your articles.
One article you create can produce a residual income once it is posted. You will be paid through multiple streams of income by a few different pay sources provided by My-Data-Team.
Most payments are by mailed check, PayPal, AlertPay (for countries not allowed to use PayPal), or direct deposit. It will be your choice in most cases how you receive your money. These pay sources pay once a month, twice a month, or immediately after article is posted; one will allow you to withdraw funds by electronic transfer whenever you want.
Most of the payments are in USD but can be converted into the currency of your choice.
How Much Money You Can Earn?
I will be the first to point out that by doing this program will take an effort. If you do not provide the article content that is required, you will not earn money. If you follow the program step-by-step, put in the effort that is needed, you can earn a good living working at home typing these articles.
Making $300 - $800 per day is NOT an imaginary amount of money that can be made. It is more of an average range some people are making using this program. The amount you can earn is entirely up to you; with all of the guidance this opportunity will give you, the possibilities are endless. I know you have heard that before; however, this is the honest truth.
I do not promise that you are going to quit your day job the first week or even the first month. But if you do exactly what they show you, the success will come. They will start you off slowly so you have a complete understanding of how this works. Once you start putting in the effort, you can see amazing results and how simple this really is, just by typing some real simple content.
Upon first starting it would be more realistic that you could expect to earn about $300 to $500 per week for the first month. As you keep providing more articles and content you can expect to earn more as time goes on.
Training usually will take about 8 to 10 hours (which does not have to be done all at one time) and you can earn money while you are training.
Hope I answered your questions regarding this amazing program.
Click Here To Join The My Data Team Data Entry Typing Program
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity if it's not listed here:
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