This work at home blog is a complete resource center of information, ideas and training to help individuals succeed in making money from home. It was created to assist persons who have just started an online business or to those who have some experience and want to broaden their knowledge. This work at home business blog makes it easier for the online entrepreneur to make money.
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Real Review About Auto Click Profits
The Brutal Facts & Truth about Auto Click Profits Program
Hey, Phil Davis here.
And you’re reading my uncensored review of what I really thought about Auto Click Profits.
Note that this is a review. If you’re looking for the official Auto Click Profits website, then click here: Auto Click Profits
Why am I writing this? Well, when I was thinking of buying Auto Click Profits there wasn’t many real reviews around.
So, I thought I’d do a quick write-up to help any of you who are in the same position I was.
But be warned, I’ll be going into the good and the bad points of Auto Click Profits, so if that’s not something you want to read, you might may as well leave now.
My first impressions of Auto Click Profits:
I was expecting a product that would allow me and show new ways of how to make a sizable income online with little effort, almost automatically as they stated on their website.
I also expected a software that automated everything making it easy and simple for me to generate huge amounts of cash or a reasonable amount of money on a monthly basis and in a short space of time. “A Secret Loophole”
But most of all I expected to get a software that provided loads of traffic without using expensive Pay Per Click, time consuming article writing, SEO, etc.
What Auto Click Profits has helped me achieve:
Absolutely Nothing! I don’t wish to sound rude or biased but it is the brutal, cold honest truth.
The top 5 things that I learned from Auto Click Profits:
I learned NOTHING from their software or their ebook, but this is what I did find out:
1. That there website is misleading. *They ask for more money after you pay the $37.
2. They provide little information in their 99 page ebook and many of the links to external information do not work.
3. The software is absolutely worthless for the price.
4. You will need to set up a website account with WordPress because it doesn’t work with Blogger.
What I find most useful about Auto Click Profits:
That it is sold through Clickbank so you can get your money back.
Who would benefit from purchasing Auto Click Profits:
I doubt if anyone will find this software useful. If you are new to working online it may help but do not expect to make anywhere near what they show on Auto Click Profits website. You will be chasing an elusive dream.
This program is of no use to intermediate or experienced marketer.
What I think was left out of Auto Click Profits:
Too much. They should just be truthful with their advertising. That it is a worthless piece of junk.
How quickly Auto Click Profits can help someone:
I used it for almost 2 months but with no real success. So it may take longer than 2 months if at all. They ask you to purchase an additional $77.00+ traffic software but I refused to buy it because the claim on the Auto Click Profits website stated that you will not need anything else to make money and get traffic automatically for just $39
Proof that Auto Click Profits really works:
There is no proof that this software works. Yes on their website they show their Clickbank account stating that they earned a lot of money, but chances are that money was derived from selling their hyped-up worthless products to trustworthy people like you.
Negatives about Auto Click Profits:
The cost is so misleading. There is the initial cost of $39, then $77 for traffic software, then other back end products that they advertise. You are sure to spend over $300 on the total system and still no guaranteed result.
All the software consist of is a total of 11 questions that you have to answer. You will have to pick a product to review and then write about it. So in essence you are still doing most of the work. Once you answer the questions, the software just adds a few sentences to it and then you publish it to your WordPress blog. That’s a total rip off. You have done all the work because you have to know about the product in order to answer the review questions effectively.
The software does not offer option for you to paste content from a text or word document, so you have to type the answers to each or most of the questions. This is awfully time consuming if you intend to write a proper review of a product. There is no spell check or editing ability such as bolding, font change or font color change to enhance your review.
You still have to find traffic to your blog. On their website they said there would be no need for articles, SEO, link building, PPC, etc. But at the end of the Auto Click Profits ebook they inform you to use these same methods including forum advertising and Social media to get visitors to your website.
Additional skills or tools needed to get the most out of Auto Click Profits:
Get ready to spend an additional $200 or more for other software that they will force you to buy. And still there will be no guarantee of success.
My final words about Auto Click Profits:
Don’t bother buying it, it is not worth the cost. The 11 product review questions that you will have to answer are
1. My first impressions of:
2. What has it helped me achieve
3. The top 5 things I learned from:
4. Who would benefit from purchasing:
5. What I think was left out of:
6. How quickly can it help someone:
7. Proof that it really works:
8. Negatives about:
9. Additional skills or tools needed to get the most out of:
10. What I find useful about:
11. My final words about:
You do not need a $39 software just to get those 11 questions, that you have to answer on your own.
If you do decide to buy it, you can get it for just $27 instead of $37. To do so just click the x to exit the page then they will give you a pop-up page to purchase it at $10 off.
This is a total waste of money and worse than horse shit, of it looks like bullshit and smells like bullshit then by all means it is bullshit. Spare yourself the trouble. These are the same worthless assholes behind Zero Cost Commission scam, which was another shit hole piece of software.
I hope that this honest review of Auto Click Profits has helped you in some way.
Have a great day!
Make the rest of your day great!
Click Here To Find The Best Place To Learn To Make Money Online
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. There's also a proof of income that I'd like to show you on the website with glowing testimonials from our members. You owe it to yourself to at least check it out. Don't delay, this special offer will soon be gone FOREVER.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
New Money Making System Now AVAILABLE

Yes, it's TRUE!
My friend Russell Brunson just released something that you have GOT to see.
Check out:
The 20 Minute Pay Day
He is sharing something that literally knocked my SOCKS OFF!
[It's a New System called: 20 Minute Pay Day]
He explains it all in his short video- how some of his students currently make $422.82/day, only working around 20 minutes. -Don't just take his word for it, the screen shots PROVE it.
See for yourself:
The 20 Minute Pay Day
He is doing something really cool right now, not only can you get the step by step training that these people used to rake in $13,107.46 a month- but he is throwing in Software that makes the system even EASIER
If this couple can do it, I know YOU CAN.
Don't delay- check it out now!
The 20 Minute Pay Day
Make the rest of your day great!
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
He could easily charge 10X what he is asking for this information. Check it out before it's too late:
The 20 Minute Pay Day
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Are You Giving Up To Find a Real Work At Home Program?

It frustrates me when I see people get fooled by get-rich-quick scheme websites on the Internet. And believe me, there are tons of them out there, waiting to snatch some victims.
What about you?
Are you one of the victims? Are you giving up your financial freedom?
Please don't.
Allow me to share with you some important truths that are essential to your internet success (and possibly to your mental well-being!).
Don't go chasing every internet marketing rabbit trail.
The internet is literally so big, and there are so many marketers trying to make a quick buck from YOU, that you could spend ALL day, every day just chasing illusions of internet riches.
If you only chase after those hyped up illusions every day, then you will NEVER find what you're looking for.
There does come a point where you have to take a small leap of faith and "try" something. In other words, you will have to do some work.
The problem is, whose method should you try? After all, your time is valuable and you don't want to waste it on hype.
The best advice I can give you is to find someone who has done it already, and do what they do. I'm not talking about someone who "says" they know some secret method. I'm talking about someone who IS making money.
That person could be me, or it could be another internet marketer that you've grown to trust. The bottom line is, there's just too much crap out there for anyone to find the right way on their own. It took me years to find the right way, and today there's exponentially more hype and junk on the internet than when I started.
If I had to do it all over again today, starting with zero knowledge, I'd be totally lost.
Thankfully, there's a simple program that's going to save your time and money, that I can highly recommend to my loyal readers and friends.
It's called “Legit Online Jobs.”
“Legit Online Jobs” has been in business since January 2005., and have *PERSONALLY* reviewed this program and said it is not hype - it’s the real deal.
Finally! :)
Please, don't waste your time on programs that don't work for you. There are so many opportunities out there that there's no need for you to waste your time on the ones that aren't working.
I hope that this advice will put you into the right frame of mind as you read this post.
Have a great day!
Make the rest of your day great!
Click Here To Join The Legit Jobs Online Opportunity
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. There's also a proof of income that I'd like to show you on the website with glowing testimonials from our members. You owe it to yourself to at least check it out. Don't delay, this special offer will soon be gone FOREVER.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Genuine Review of Maximum Paid Survey Opportunity

I have purchased the Maximum Paid Survey program and have used it before presenting it to you. Here are my findings:
Maximum Paid Surveys is a premium database of paid opportunities. You will get access to a huge resource of over 760 carefully selected paid surveys and mystery shopping companies.
Maximum Paid Surveys has a very well organized website that is very easy to navigate. Everyone can find quickly the companies that work anywhere in the world. You know also what type of assignments you’ll receive (online surveys, focus groups or mystery shopping jobs) and what kind of reward you’ll get. The most active and the best paying companies are listed first so you can speed your profit and new companies are added regularly.
Maximum Paid Surveys has an excellent customer support too and you will get in business easily with step-by-step guides that are jam packed with tricks of the trade: Paid surveys introduction guide, mystery shopping introduction guide, merchandising introduction guide etc. You will be very well informed before you get started.
Registered members get also great bonuses: Additional get paid databases, work at home ebooks, anti-spyware software and more.
After using the program, I did make money and I am sure that you will be able to do so too once you follow the guidelines in the program.
In short, Maximum Paid Surveys has it all! - A huge collection of online surveys, focus groups and mystery shopping jobs; a state-of-the-art website; an excellent documentation; great bonuses and a very good customer support.
Another great feature is that you can get a 56% discount. So Don't wait, Sign Up Now!
Make the rest of your day great!
Click Here To Join The Maximum Paid Survey Program
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. Don't try a paid survey opportunity if it's not listed here:
Top Paid Survey OpportunitY
How To Become a My-Data-Team Work At Home Data Entry Typing Worker

Here is Exactly What My-Data-Team Will Do For Their Colleagues
My-Data-Team will assign you a special login account with the program on their servers so you can login and begin your training and working.
My-Data-Team will give you complete step-by-step training for all four of their work-at-home typing programs.
My-Data-Team will supply you with any needed software such as word processor, article submitters, and more... as part of your membership.
My-Data-Team will get you set up with special pay accounts to track your earnings for all of the thousands of companies you type for.
My-Data-Team will train you how to create articles with ease; create articles in as little as 10 minutes for some of the jobs offered.
My-Data-Team will get you working with additional companies for other streams of income from the article typing you complete. Their program will explain exactly how each stream of income pays and it is your decision which stream you would want to pursue.
My-Data-Team will teach you how to type effectively, and what to type that will match any of the companies' content.
My-Data-Team will show you which companies are the best and will pay you the most.
My-Data-Team will give you free support on the program to assure you are on the right track to get you earning income as soon as possible.
As a My-Data-Team employee you will be given all the tools and guidance to be successful and make this all work.
Requirements for Becoming a My-Data-Team Employee
- You will need to have a computer or laptop with Internet connection.
- You will need to have ONE of the following operating systems (Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP 32 or 64 bit, Vista 32 or 64 bit, Windows 7, any MAC platform, or Linux).
- You will need to be able to understand English language for training purposes, or you can convert the training to a language of your choice using special language tools.
- You will need to have an extra 45 to 60 minutes a day to update and submit your article content.
- You must be willing to put in an honest effort and submit your articles.
- You will need to have basic typing skills and basic computer knowledge. The training will even help with this as well.
My-Data-Team have designed this program with great detail. They only want people that are serious about a legitimate work-at-home program. If you are willing to put in the effort to learn what is shown to you, do the job tasks, then this program works. Please do not join this program if you DO NOT plan on trying to learn and apply yourself to this job.
My-Data-Team Membership
Here is what My-Data-Team Colleagues get with their membership:
Get instant access to the program and start your work-at-home typing job today!
Personalized login on dedicated servers to the colleagues members' area; here is where you will get everything you need from training, software and jobs to perform.
Complete step-by-step training and tutorials in great detail for all of the programs, and with the most novice user in mind.
All of the needed software that is ready to download and use per instructions. My-Data-Team gives you over $100 worth of software and tools as part of your membership.
An updated program daily that assures the most accurate details of the jobs and resources. This is NOT an e-book, self-help program, or mail order CD, etc. Login and get to work with the most advanced updated program.
My-Data-Team spends countless hours removing obstacles and assures no hidden costs. As a colleague of this program I guarantee that no additional or hidden costs will ever occur with this program. You can rest easy to know you will not need to spend money to make money.
As a member you will also get many bonus programs, such as survey companies, government grant programs, mystery shopper programs, etc. My-Data-Team will have hundreds of dollars worth of free bonuses they pass on to their colleagues as part of your membership.
Get all the support you need from their trained members support team.
Membership Price
My-Data-Team charges a one-time membership setup fee that covers everything mentioned on this page. They assure that no other charges for this program or for anything they present will cost any additional money. The fee they charge is to keep the program going for members. My-Data-Team does not make a profit off your membership. If you think they do, then add up everything they give you including the software and you will wonder how they even break even.
Click Here To Join The My Data Team Data Entry Typing Program
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity if it's not listed here:
Top 5 Data Entry Opportunities
Common Questions About My Work at Home Data Entry Typing Job

What Job Tasks You Will Need To Perform?
What you will need to do is type very short articles, usually about a paragraph in length. What you will type will be based on the content of any of the thousands of companies My-Data-Team provide; these are not ads. You will have the opportunity to be creative with your articles, OR if you are not the creative type, you will be provided with special training tutorials and tools that will show you how to easily type article content for any of the companies using the methods we show.
The training program provided to all colleagues will give you everything you need with step-by-step tutorials. You will be provided with all of the companies (Over 20,000 currently) to type your articles for. You will find almost every type of Internet company you can think of (No Adult Sites). Fortune 500 companies such as WalMart, Apple, American Express, eBay, Netflix, Target to name just a few are available.
The program also have much smaller companies that deal with anything from home and garden to self help programs and everything in between.
My-Data-Team will certify that all of the companies you work with will make their payments for your earnings, and on time. So you do not need to worry about collecting your earnings for the work you do; they have done all that for you.
How and When You Will Be Paid?
Once you create the short articles for any of the thousands of companies we provide, they will be used in one or all of the four primary programs. You can get paid for submitting your article to the publishing companies we provide, get paid for posting your articles to blogs, get paid for submitting your article to forums, get paid for submitting your article to revenue sharing companies as well as several other ways to get paid for your articles.
One article you create can produce a residual income once it is posted. You will be paid through multiple streams of income by a few different pay sources provided by My-Data-Team.
Most payments are by mailed check, PayPal, AlertPay (for countries not allowed to use PayPal), or direct deposit. It will be your choice in most cases how you receive your money. These pay sources pay once a month, twice a month, or immediately after article is posted; one will allow you to withdraw funds by electronic transfer whenever you want.
Most of the payments are in USD but can be converted into the currency of your choice.
How Much Money You Can Earn?
I will be the first to point out that by doing this program will take an effort. If you do not provide the article content that is required, you will not earn money. If you follow the program step-by-step, put in the effort that is needed, you can earn a good living working at home typing these articles.
Making $300 - $800 per day is NOT an imaginary amount of money that can be made. It is more of an average range some people are making using this program. The amount you can earn is entirely up to you; with all of the guidance this opportunity will give you, the possibilities are endless. I know you have heard that before; however, this is the honest truth.
I do not promise that you are going to quit your day job the first week or even the first month. But if you do exactly what they show you, the success will come. They will start you off slowly so you have a complete understanding of how this works. Once you start putting in the effort, you can see amazing results and how simple this really is, just by typing some real simple content.
Upon first starting it would be more realistic that you could expect to earn about $300 to $500 per week for the first month. As you keep providing more articles and content you can expect to earn more as time goes on.
Training usually will take about 8 to 10 hours (which does not have to be done all at one time) and you can earn money while you are training.
Hope I answered your questions regarding this amazing program.
Click Here To Join The My Data Team Data Entry Typing Program
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity if it's not listed here:
Top 5 Data Entry Opportunities
My-Data-Team Work at Home Data Entry Typing Jobs

With the My-Data-Team Type at Home Program it is very simple process. You type, and you get paid. The more you type, the more you get paid. This is not an e-book, or a list of companies that you have to apply to and hope you get the job. This is an actual work-at-home typing Job. Colleagues receive complete online training and guidance. You are NOT paying for a job the job is paying you.
They provide all of their colleagues the necessary training, resources, software, tools and jobs. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step program we provide and you will be getting paid providing valuable content for the companies we work with.
If you are not a good typist, speller, or have the best grammar, we will give you training and tutorials to help you. They even have automated solutions that will create the content for you to type for the companies. You will have opportunities to type in different languages if you choose because they work with companies from all over the world.
Their typist NEVER have to type ads or be subject to spend ANY additional money for software, for programs like Pay-Per-Clicks (Google AdWords) which can be very costly and not give any income in return.
As you will find with many work-at-home Web sites on the Internet that say they offer type-at-home jobs, but you find out it is really a deceptive way of saying they want you to type ads for their company, and the only way you will be paid is if someone joins their site off your ad. This sound familiar?
With My-Data-Team Work at Home Typing Program:
You will NEVER have to sell or convince anyone to join our company in order to make money.
You will NEVER have to sell any products by typing ads, placing classifieds, sending e-mails, etc.
You will NEVER have to own a Web site.
You will NEVER have to spend ANY additional money once a Web colleague.
You will NEVER have to use PPCs (Pay-Per-Click) programs like Google AdWords.
You will NEVER have to search for jobs with outside services; we provide the actual job to perform.
You will NEVER have to wait months to see results; start making money the first day after training.
You will NEVER be asked to do anything illegal or unethical or against your better judgment.
My-Data-Team Work at Home Typing Program is in NO WAY a Pyramid Scheme of any kind, an MLM company, ad typing, any type of up-line or down-line program or get-rich-quick scheme.
They only expect our work-at-home typist to provide the content that is required and will get paid for their efforts.
You will be an independent contractor and will never need to pay their company any fees or commissions on your earnings.
Click Here To Join The My Data Team Data Entry Typing Program
Owner - Top10WorkAtHomeOpportunities
P.P.S. Don't try a data entry opportunity if it's not listed here:
Top 5 Data Entry Opportunities
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Get Paid Cash For Writing
Is it really possible to make money . . . writing for the web?
If you enjoy writing, wouldn’t it be great to make extra money by writing for the web?
Well when you consider the size of the web, surely there are opportunities? Or do you need some special experience or skills to make good money? Maybe you have to be an experienced freelancer, journalist or author?
No, no and no! You can actually start making money from writing, quickly, easily and without experience. All you need is a Cash 4 Writing.
The internet offers an ocean of writing opportunities but you have to know exactly where to look to find the best ones. Cash 4 Writing will show you where to look and how to get work.
It will also show you certain sites you can go to and get all the writing jobs you need.
• There are literally tens of thousands of people writing for the web. Yes, the demand is THAT large. The exciting thing for you is . . . the demand increases EVERY day! Which means more earning potential for you.
• Do you really think that ALL these writers are professional journalists? SOME of them are. But you may be surprised to hear that the vast majority write content at a level the average 14 year old could compete with.
• Most online businesses want copy that a child can understand. They certainly don't want Shakespearian-like skills. All they want is writing that is simple and easy-to-understand.
• You don't even have to be an expert on the subject you're writing about. You now have the largest library on earth, with the fastest, most efficient Librarian. It's called Google. Just type in what you're researching and you'll have as much info as you could ever need.
Let’s just go over a little of the potential here. The web runs on content. That content is mainly written and consists of various things like:
Site content. All sites have some kind of content on them. Some are filled with hundreds and in some cases thousands of pages. Some one has to write it. May as well be you! And remember there are an estimated 200 million sites on the web.
Blog posts. Blogs need regular posts and according to Technorati, on February 11, 2008 there were 185,620,000 blogs. But that figure rises by an estimated 175,000 new blogs every day! Many posts will be written by the blog owners, but there is a massive market for freelancers to write the rest.
Ebooks. There are a bewildering number of ebooks released every day online. These cover almost every subject you could imagine. Many online marketers have an idea for an ebook but farm out the actual writing to a freelancer. Lot’s of opportunity for you.
Salespages. All the ebooks online, as well as all the other products, need sales pages writing. Although this is more specialized, there is a massive opportunity for you here. And it’s very well paid in comparison to many other kinds of writing.
Articles. The number of articles on the web would make your head-spin. On just one site called Wikipedia, there are 10 million, a quarter of which are written in English. Across the whole of the internet, there must be billions of articles.
Many online marketers use articles as a marketing technique and they rely on freelancers to write them. It’s very easy to research the content for these.
I’ve only just scratched the surface here. There are many other freelance writing opportunities to be found online and covered in Cash 4 Writing. And the most lucrative writing assignments are the ones you do for yourself.
This is actually my favorite part of Cash 4 Writing. The opportunity to use writing to start your own online business from scratch. Many people approach writing online as a way to make money without the hassle of dealing with products and customers etc. This guide highlights certain ways to get all the benefits of selling your own products without actually doing so.
You can have the best of both worlds and earn incredible income in the process.
So if you are interested in writing for a living or to supplement your current income, you will love Cash 4 Writing.
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