Scammers 4th Secret Tactic: "The Personal Story"
"I'm literally rolling in dough now, but it wasn't
always that way. Not long ago, I was out of work.
My wife had lost her job also. We sold our cars and
we were just days away from foreclosure. That's when
I saw this website about... "
--You're not believing it are you?--
Well how about this one:
The other day I was out in the yard planting new
flowers. My neighbor came over and asked me, "I've
just got to ask you--it seems like you're always
either on vacation in Hawaii or you're at home
playing with your kids. You just got that new Porsche,
so I've just got to ask, did you win the lottery or
And then the story goes on to say how I started a
new Internet business and left my job within a month,
making more now than I did at my job...
You know, I guess that kind of thing can happen, but
it's certainly not the norm. Something like that
happened to me, but certainly not that fast and easy.
It takes work.
To quote my favorite movie, "Anyone who tells you
otherwise is selling something."
It took me 3 years and a lot of work to get to
five figures per month income. My story's not a
flashy story. I just worked hard. Maybe I'll tell
you the story sometime, but that's not the point of
today's post.
I want to warn you what to look out for in a
personal story so you don't get duped.
Copywriters will tell you that nothing gains trust
faster on a website than a personal story. Let the
visitor know that you're just an ordinary person who
found the right information at the right time.
So what do website owners do? They make them up!
I once found a website where the website owner
spoke boldly about how he had made hundreds of
thousands of dollars in a few months on the Internet.
The guy must have been daft because he gave his
actual street address and phone number so people
could call or write to him directly.
I didn't call, but I was so incredibly curious that
I looked up his address on one of those websites
where you can see satellite images of people's
Well, let me just say that after I saw where he
lived, I can tell you he wasn't making hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year. What a ditz!
If you're going to lie, at least cover your tracks!
And at least be somewhat realistic.
What I've got to tell you is simply this: Be
wary when you see a personal story. The intent
is to gain your trust. The tragic thing is that some
websites will tell you a lie to gain your trust!
How's that for bent?
That's just the nature of the Internet unfortunately
and you have to be aware of what is going on.
Let me give you an example of a personal story
that is real. Susan Smith runs Survey Scout. Her
site is the number 1 Paid survey site on the
Internet in terms of membership. Take a look at her
interview with Deborah Casey, a woman who's been
quietly making a living from home for years by
filling out surveys online.
You definitely want to read this interview even
if you never sign up with Survey Scout or any other
paid survey company. It's amazing how she's figured
out how to do a few surveys a day and make a decent
pay at it.
Here's a hint: you don't have to actually sign up
with Survey Scout to get this interview. Just fill
out the first page with your name and email address
and they send it to you! Even without paying!
It's like a glitch in their system. Do it before
they find it. :)
Trust me. It works.
This is the page where you can do that:
Survey Scout
The story is upbeat, but it's real.
She makes it clear that you won't make millions
filling out surveys online. She gives instead a
realistic expectation of what you can make. She
talks about how she doesn't argue with her
husband over financial matters anymore. She says
that covering a car payment every month by taking
surveys is a reasonable expectation.
You gotta give credit to someone like that. She's
not overselling her experience with taking surveys.
Just giving the real story.
So just be wary of personal stories. The intent is
to gain your trust. Put up your guard and turn on
your hype sensors when you see them.
Make the rest of your day great.
Your partner in success,
Top Ten Legitimate Work At Home Programs
The Complete Work At Home Directory
P.S. Here is the #1 Home Based Business 3 Years In
A Row. It's Free to join but its best to upgrade for
only $29.95. Click here now!
P.P.S. If you haven't taken a look at Survey Scout
before go check them out. I've seen several survey
companies come and go, but Survey Scout was the
first and they're still the leaders.
P.P.P.S. If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete
turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select
the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I
encourage you to check out the Profit Bank System.
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